wsjcpp / wsjcpp-yaml

C++ YAML parser/reader and writer of *.yaml/*.yml files with keeping user formatting
MIT License
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cpp keep-yaml-comments reader-yaml-files wsjcpp-package yaml yaml-export yaml-parser


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C++ YAML parser/reader and writer of .yaml/.yml files with keeping user formatting

Integrate to your c++ project

include files:

or just

$ wsjcpp install

Example usage:

In you main file configure logger:

#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "wsjcpp_yaml.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    std::string TAG = "MAIN";

    // now you can use WsjcppYaml
    WsjcppYaml yaml;
    std::string sYaml =
        "# yaml content\n"
        "yaml1: nice format\n"
        "some-map: value1\n"
        "some-map2: value2\n"
        "  - test1 \n"
        "  - test2 \n"
        "some-am: # array + map element \n"
        "  - p1: v1 \n"
        "    p2: v2 \n"
        "  - p1: v3 \n"
        "    p2: v4 \n"
        "param2: 111\n";
    std::string sError;
    if (!yaml.loadFromString("my-local.yaml", sYaml, sError)) {
        yaml.throw_err(TAG, sError);
        return -1;

    std::cout << "yaml is " << yaml["yaml1"].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-map is " << yaml["some-map"].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-map2 is " << yaml["some-map2"].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-array has " << std::to_string(yaml["some-array"].valStr()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-array element 0 is " << yaml["some-array"][0].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-array element 1 is " << yaml["some-array"][1].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-am has " << std::to_string(yaml["some-am"].size()) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-am is array: " << (yaml["some-am"].isArray() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-am has comment " << yaml["some-am"].comment() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-am element 0 : p1 is  " << yaml["some-am"][0]["p1"].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-am element 0 : p2 is  " << yaml["some-am"][0]["p2"].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-am element 1 : p1 is  " << yaml["some-am"][1]["p1"].valStr() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "some-am element 1 : p2 is  " << yaml["some-am"][1]["p2"].valStr() << std::endl;

    return 0;

a little doc:

class methods (WsjcppYaml)


Just a constructor

void clear();

Clear all nodes

*`void setLogger(IWsjcppYamlLog pLog);`**

If you wanna use custom logger

class MyLogger : public IWsjcppYamlLog {
        // IWsjcppYamlLog
        virtual void err(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage) override {
            std::cerr << TAG << " [error] : " << sMessage << std::endl;
        virtual void throw_err(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage) override {
            std::cerr << TAG << " [critical_error] : " << sMessage << std::endl;
            throw std::runtime_error(TAG + " [critical_error] : " + sMessage);
        virtual void warn(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage) override {
            std::cerr << TAG << " [warn] : " << sMessage << std::endl;
        virtual void info(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage) override {
            std::cout << TAG << " [info] : " << sMessage << std::endl;

MyLogger *pLogger = new MyLogger();
WsjcppYaml yaml;

bool loadFromFile(const std::string &sFileName, std::string &sError);

load yaml from file

Will retrun:

bool saveToFile(const std::string &sFileName, std::string &sError);

save yaml to file

Will retrun:

bool loadFromString(const std::string &sBufferName, const std::string &sBuffer, std::string &sError);

load yaml from string

bool saveToString(std::string &sBuffer, std::string &sError);

save yaml to string

sBuffer - here will be result.

Will retrun:

*`WsjcppYamlNode getRoot();`**

return root node

WsjcppYamlCursor getCursor() const;

return cursor (for walk by yaml tree)

WsjcppYamlCursor operator[](int idx) const;

return cursor if current element is array else will be error

WsjcppYamlCursor operator[](const std::string &sName) const;

return cursor if current element is map else will be error

Static methods (WsjcppYaml)

bool readTextFile(const std::string &sFilename, std::string &sOutputContent, std::string &sError);

static method. Just read text file

Will retrun:

bool writeFile(const std::string &sFilename, const std::string &sContent);

static method. Just write text to file

Will retrun:

static std::string& ltrim(std::string& str, const std::string& chars = "\t\n\v\f\r ");

static method. left trim

static std::string& rtrim(std::string& str, const std::string& chars = "\t\n\v\f\r ");

static method. right trim

static std::string& trim(std::string& str, const std::string& chars = "\t\n\v\f\r ");

static method. left and right trim

static std::string toLower(const std::string &str);

static method. to lower characters (will be work only for latin coding)

methods for logging (WsjcppYaml)

void err(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage);

default: print to std::cerr

But you can override by setLogger

void throw_err(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage);

default: print to std::cerr and throw std::exception

But you can override by setLogger

void warn(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage);

default: print to std::cerr

But you can override by setLogger

void info(const std::string &TAG, const std::string &sMessage);

default: print to std::cout

But you can override by setLogger

class method (WsjcppYamlCursor)

WsjcppYamlCursor - keep a pointer to node ()

bool isNull() const;

return true if node is null or undefined

bool isUndefined() const;

return true if node is undefined. It's possible if definintion in yaml without value like a some: - undefined node

bool isValue() const;

return true if node is a simple type with a value

bool isArray() const;

return true if node is a array

size_t size() const;

return size of array if node is a array

bool isMap() const;

return true if node is map

std::vector<std::string> keys() const;

return list of keys if node is map

bool hasKey(const std::string &sKey) const;

return true if node is map and key exists

std::string comment();

return user comment or empty for node

WsjcppYamlCursor &comment(const std::string& sComment);

set new comment

std::string valStr();

return value as string

example: yaml["some"].valStr()

WsjcppYamlCursor &val(const std::string &sValue);

set new string value

*`WsjcppYamlCursor &val(const char sValue);`**

set new string value

int valInt();

return value as integer

WsjcppYamlCursor &val(int nValue);

set new integer value

bool valBool();

return value as integer

WsjcppYamlCursor &val(bool bValue);

set new boolean value

*`WsjcppYamlNode node();`**

return pointer to node

WsjcppYamlCursor operator[](int idx) const;

return node by index if current node is array

example: yaml["somearr"][0]

WsjcppYamlCursor operator[](const std::string &sName) const;

return node by index if current node is map

example: yaml["some_map"]["el1"]