wtangiit / Qsim

event-driven job scheduling simulator for Cobalt
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Qsim is a event-driven jobs scheduling simulator being part of the Cobalt resource mananger. It contains several files specific for simulation while using most of the code directly from Cobalt. The simulation specific parts including event-mananger, queue-simulators, and system simulator, etc.

Usage: qsim.py [options]

Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -j BGJOB, --job=BGJOB file name of the job trace (when scheduling for bg system only) -c CJOB, --cjob=CJOB file name of the job trace from the cluster system -p CONFIG_FILE, --partition=CONFIG_FILE file name of the partition configuration of the Blue Gene system -o OUTPUTLOG, --output=OUTPUTLOG featuring string for output log -i SLEEP_INTERVAL, --interval=SLEEP_INTERVAL seconds to wait at each event when printing screens -F BG_FRACTION, --bg_frac=BG_FRACTION parameter to adjust bg workload. All the interval between job arrivals will be multiplied with the parameter -f CLUSTER_FRACTION, --cluster_frac=CLUSTER_FRACTION parameter to adjust cluster workload. All the interval between job arrivals will be multiplied with the parameter -S BG_TRACE_START, --Start=BG_TRACE_START bg job submission times (in job trace) should be after 12.01am on this date. By default it equals to the first job submission time in job trace 'bgjob' -E BG_TRACE_END, --End=BG_TRACE_END bg job submission time (in job trace) should be prior to 12.01am on this date. By default it equals to the last job submission time in job trace 'bgjob'
-s C_TRACE_START, --start=C_TRACE_START cluster job submission times (in job trace) should be after 12.01am on this date. By default it equals to the first job submission time in job trace 'cjob' -e C_TRACE_END, --end=C_TRACE_END cluster job submission time (in job trace) should be prior to 12.01am on this date By default it equals to the last job submission time in job trace 'cjob' -A ANCHOR, --Anchor=ANCHOR the virtual start date of simulation for bqsim. If not specified, it is same as bg_trace_start -a ANCHOR, --anchor=ANCHOR the virtual start date of simulation for bqsim. If not specified, it is same as c_trace_start -P PREDICT, --prediction=PREDICT [xyz] x,y,z=0|1. x,y,z==1 means to use walltime prediction for (x:queuing / y:backfilling / z:running) jobs -W WASS, --walltimeaware=WASS [cons | aggr | both] specify the walltime aware spatial scheduling scheme: cons=conservative scheme, aggr=aggressive scheme, both=cons+aggr -C COSCHEDULING, --coscheduling=COSCHEDULING [x y] (x,y=hold | yield). specify the coscheduling scheme: 'hold' or 'yield' resource if mate job can not run. x for bqsim, y for cqsim. -v VICINITY, --vicinity=VICINITY Threshold to determine mate jobs in coscheduling. Two jobs can be considered mated only if their submission time difference is smaller than 'vicinity' -r MATE_RATIO, --ratio=MATE_RATIO Specifies the ratio of number mate jobs to number total jobs. Used in the case two job traces have the same number of total jobs. -b, --batch enable batch execution model, do not print screen