wtekiela / opensub4j

Java library for communicating with opensubtitles.org XML-RPC API
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Java library for opensubtitles.org

OpenSub4j is an open source Java library for opensubtites. It provides an object-oriented abstraction over XML-RPC opensubtitles.org API.



Please note that any XML-RPC API running on OpenSubtitles.org is deprecated. It is planned to be turned off by the end of 2023. Please use new, stable ready-to-use OpenSubtitles.com REST API instead.


Simply add the dependency to gradle/maven to the latest release:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.wtekiela:opensub4j:0.4.2'

Usage (version 0.4.X)

Creating the client

Client can be created either by passing the URL object:

URL serverUrl = new URL("https", "api.opensubtitles.org", 443, "/xml-rpc");
OpenSubtitlesClient osClient = new OpenSubtitlesClientImpl(serverUrl);

or, for more granular control over the xml-rpc connection, by passing the XmlRpcClientConfig object:

URL serverUrl = new URL("https", "api.opensubtitles.org", 443, "/xml-rpc");

XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl();

OpenSubtitlesClient client = new OpenSubtitlesClientImpl(config);

Getting server info

ServerInfo serverInfo = osClient.serverInfo();


// logging in
LoginResponse response = osClient.login("username", "password", "en", "TemporaryUserAgent");

// checking login status
assert response.getStatus() == ResponseStatus.OK;
assert osClient.isLoggedIn() == true;

// user information
UserInfo userInfo = response.getUserInfo();

// logging out


// searching for subtitles matching a file
ListResponse<SubtitleInfo> response = osClient.searchSubtitles("eng", new File("/path/to/file.mkv"));
List<SubtitleInfo> subtitles = response.getData();

// searching by imdb id
ListResponse<SubtitleInfo> response = osClient.searchSubtitles("eng", "movie IMDB id");
List<SubtitleInfo> subtitles = response.getData();

// searching by string query + season/episode
ListResponse<SubtitleInfo> response = osClient.searchSubtitles("eng", "Friends", "1", "1");
List<SubtitleInfo> subtitles = response.getData();

Downloading subtitles

ListResponse<SubtitleFile> response = osClient.downloadSubtitles(subtitleInfo.getId());
List<SubtitleFile> subtitleFiles = response.getData();

Error handling

Each method interfacing with XML-RPC api returns a response that carries HTTP status and duration of the call.

Response response = osClient.serverInfo();
double duration = response.getSeconds();
ResponseStatus status = response.getStatus();
int httpCode = status.getCode();
String message = status.getMessage();

Defined ResponseStatus contants:

    // 2xx
    public static final ResponseStatus OK = new ResponseStatus(200, "OK");
    public static final ResponseStatus PARTIAL_CONTENT = new ResponseStatus(206, "Partial content");
    // 3xx
    public static final ResponseStatus MOVED = new ResponseStatus(301, "Moved (host)");
    // 4xx
    public static final ResponseStatus UNAUTHORIZED = new ResponseStatus(401, "Unauthorized");
    public static final ResponseStatus SUBTITLE_INVALID_FORMAT = new ResponseStatus(402, "Subtitles has invalid format");
    public static final ResponseStatus SUBTITLE_HASH_NOT_SAME = new ResponseStatus(403, "SubHashes (content and sent subhash) are not same!");
    public static final ResponseStatus SUBTITLE_INVALID_LANGUAGE = new ResponseStatus(404, "Subtitles has invalid language!");
    public static final ResponseStatus NOT_ALL_MANDATORY_PARAMS_SPECIFIED = new ResponseStatus(405, "Not all mandatory parameters was specified");
    public static final ResponseStatus NO_SESSION = new ResponseStatus(406, "No session");
    public static final ResponseStatus DOWNLOAD_LIMIT_REACHED = new ResponseStatus(407, "Download limit reached");
    public static final ResponseStatus INVALID_PARAMETERS = new ResponseStatus(408, "Invalid parameters");
    public static final ResponseStatus METHOD_NOT_FOUND = new ResponseStatus(409, "Method not found");
    public static final ResponseStatus OTHER_UNKNOWN_ERROR = new ResponseStatus(410, "Other or unknown error");
    public static final ResponseStatus INVALID_USER_AGENT = new ResponseStatus(411, "Empty or invalid useragent");
    public static final ResponseStatus S_INVALID_FORMAT = new ResponseStatus(412, "%s has invalid format (reason)");
    public static final ResponseStatus INVALID_IMDB_ID = new ResponseStatus(413, "Invalid ImdbID");
    public static final ResponseStatus UNKNOWN_USER_AGENT = new ResponseStatus(414, "Unknown User Agent");
    public static final ResponseStatus DISABLED_USER_AGENT = new ResponseStatus(415, "Disabled user agent");
    public static final ResponseStatus INTERNAL_SUBTITLE_VALIDATION_FAILED = new ResponseStatus(416, "Internal subtitle validation failed");
    // 5XX
    public static final ResponseStatus SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = new ResponseStatus(503, "Service Unavailable");
    public static final ResponseStatus MAINTENANCE = new ResponseStatus(506, "Server under maintenance");


Library uses slf4j logging facade, so you can use any logging implementation that slf4j supports. For more information please refer to slf4j documentation.

Building from sources

To build the library from sources, you just need to invoke:

./gradlew assemble