wtg / elections

The RPI Elections dashboard for GM Week and Freshman Elections.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 0 forks source link

Elections Stories in Ready  David

A modern platform for managing elections, designed specifically for GM Week and other student government elections at RPI.



This website is built in a modified MEAN stack (MariaDB, Express.js, Angular.js, and Node), and can be deployed using the following steps:

  1. Clone this git repository by running the following command in a Git-enabled terminal:

    • > git clone https://github.com/wtg/elections.git
  2. Navigate into the directory of the application:

    • > cd elections
  3. If Node is installed on your computer, skip this step.

    • Install Node here.
  4. Install all necessary dependencies by running the following commands:

    • > npm install
  5. If MySQL is installed on your computer, skip this step. Install MySQL or MariaDB (the open-source equivalent).

  6. Make a copy of devconfig.example.js and name it devconfig.js. Provide details about the database connection (host, port, username, password), as shown in the example.

    • This could be completed in the terminal by running: > cp devconfig.example.js devconfig.js
    • Blank configuration variables are provided in the file.
  7. Run the server: npm start. This command will also create the database for the site if it doesn't currently exist.

_Note: if NODE_ENV is "production", npm start will serve static files from the dist folder, which you can have Webpack build by running npm run build. If NODE_ENV is "development", npm start will automatically run Webpack and serve assets from memory._

  1. Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser, and pat yourself on the back—your instance is deployed.


This project was created by the Web Technologies Group.


The core development team consists of:

A list of all contributors can be found here.