wtsi-hgi / treeserve

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Generate tree structure from the mpistat output and allow querying of it via a rest api.

Original C++ version

Dependencies (not complete):

Using proxygen brings in the google logging and command-line options libraries. These give a lot of extra command-line options. Use --help to list them.

A good commandline to use would be something like...

bin/treeserve -lstat bin/114_1.dat.gz -dump=bin/tree.bin -logtostderr -gzip_buf 64 -port 8000

Format of fields in the data file are :

Python version (using LMDB)


python 3.4+
pip install -r requirements.txt

Format of fields in the data file are :


LMDB data persists between runs, to recalculate data remove the cache directory.

Go version (also using LMDB)

There is also a go version.