wtsi-npg / npg_conda

NPG Conda recipes and tools
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This repository contains Conda recipes to build tools and libraries used by WSI NPG.

Our recipes differ from those provided by Anaconda Inc., Conda Forge and BioConda in order to meet our specific needs:

Typical Conda recipes create a single package bundling all build artefacts (executables, libraries, headers, manpages etc) together, so installing a program that depends on a C shared library from another package will cause any executables in that package also to be installed in the target environment. This is something we specifically want to avoid.

We avoid using the conda-forge and bioconda channels so that we are in complete control of the deployed package dependency graph and do not unexpectedly upgrade (or downgrade) packages that may affect data analysis.

We don't use the Windows or macOS platforms, so we simplify our recipes by omitting support for them.

Building the recipes

Building from source requires Conda (we use Miniconda), with the conda-build and conda-verify packages installed.

Builds normally take place within the environment of a Docker container. The benefits are

Our build image contains Conda pre-installed and works by mounting two local directories, one which should contain the Conda recipes to build and another which will receive the built packages. The bin/build script handles mounting the directories and running the builds. The build script requires a list of packages to be supplied on STDIN and it will build them in that order.

This means that for a complete from-source build of all packages, they must be sorted so that packages that have dependencies are built after those they depend on. This can be achieved using the bin/recipebook script which inspects the recipes, calculates their dependency DAG and then outputs a list sorted so that they are built in the correct order:

./bin/recipebook recipes/ | head -4
rna-seqc 1.1.8 recipes/rna-seqc/1.1.8
bowtie2 2.2.7 recipes/bowtie2/2.2.7
teepot 1.2.0 recipes/teepot/1.2.0
eigen 3.3.4 recipes/eigen/3.3.4

Both of these scripts have command line help and a number of options to configure their behaviour. Note that the online help for bin/build reports default values dynamically (i.e. they are calculated for your current environment so that they describe accurately the values that will be used).

A complete build example:

./bin/recipebook | ./bin/build \
--recipes-dir $PWD --artefacts-dir $HOME/conda-artefacts \
--conda-build-image ghcr.io/wtsi-npg/centos-7-conda-build:latest --verbose

Here the recipes directory that will be mounted by the container is set explicitly, as is the artefacts directory, where the built packages will appear (these are both mounted into the container).

The artefacts directory can be used by multiple builds, sequentially. It will accumulate built packages that will be used as dependencies by later builds. Alternatively, you may prefer to push the built packages to a Conda channel and have later builds find them there.

If there are errors Conda will report the full path to the failed build so that you can investigate. Common reasons for build failures (aside from errors in the new recipe) are

A successfully built package will be dropped in the output root directory, the default being <CONDA_PREFIX>/conda-bld/. This may be changed in the .condarc file or by setting the CONDA_BLD_PATH environment variable, see Conda build configuration section of the Conda User guide

Naming new recipes

The rules are:

  1. The package containing the executables should be named after the commonly used name for the software (e.g. bwa, minimap2, curl)

  2. If 1. is not possible, e.g. because the executables are in sub-package, the Conda meta-package is renamed {package name}-pkg and the executables sub-package keeps the common name (e.g. curl-pkg,curl,libcurl,libcurl-dev).

  3. If 2. is not possible because, e.g. the common name for the software is a library name and the software also provides executables, then the executables package is renamed {package}-bin, (e.g. libml2-pkg,libxml2-bin,libxml2,libxml2-dev).

Notes on glibc

The defaults Conda channel uses glibc 2.17 from CentOS 7.x. Our packages are built in a Docker CentOS 7.x container.

Special compilers

iRODS requires Clang to build. The Clang package available from conda-forge is unable to locate the Conda GCC 9.3 installation. We have made forks of the LLVM and Clang Conda recipes to work around this.

The packages may be built within the CentOS container using the following commands:

docker run --mount \
target=/home/conda/recipes,type=bind \
--mount \
target=/opt/conda/conda-bld,type=bind \
-e CONDA_USER_ID=1001 -e CONDA_GROUP_ID=1001 -i --rm \
ghcr.io/wtsi-npg/centos-7-conda-build:latest \ 
/bin/sh -c 'exportCONDA_BLD_PATH="/opt/conda/conda-bld" ; conda config --set auto_update_conda False ; cd /home/conda/recipes && conda build recipe'

docker run --mount \
target=/home/conda/recipes,type=bind \
--mount \
target=/opt/conda/conda-bld,type=bind \
-e CONDA_USER_ID=1001 -e CONDA_GROUP_ID=1001 -i --rm \
ghcr.io/wtsi-npg/centos-7-conda-build:latest \
/bin/sh -c 'export CONDA_BLD_PATH="/opt/conda/conda-bld" ; conda config --set auto_update_conda False ; cd /home/conda/recipes && conda build recipe'