wtsi-npg / npg_sentry

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Basic expressjs server adding and removing tokens from database. Very WIP.


Requires a running mongodb instance on localhost port 27017.

Start mongo with:

$ mkdir -p ./data/db
$ mongod --fork --logpath ./data/db.log --dbpath ./data/db

Starting service

Using npm:

$ npm start

You can also run it using npm while passing values through arguments or through a configuration file.

$ npm start -- --port 8000 --mongourl "mongodb://localhost:27017/acl" --loglevel "warn" --no-ssl "true"
$ # Alternatively:
$ npm start -- --configfile=./config_file.json

OR use pm2 to run server as a daemonised cluster:

$ npm i -g pm2
$ pm2 start npg_sentry.js -i <number of processes> -- <arguments to pass to server>
$ # stop the server
$ pm2 stop app
$ # reload the server
$ pm2 reload app
$ # view recent logs, and follow new logs
$ pm2 logs
$ # monitor processes
$ pm2 monit

Consider making an ecosystem file for pm2, for easier configuration.

$ pm2 start ecosystem.config.js


Configuration options can be passed on the command line, or in a configuration json file.

Available configuration options:

option .
port port to listen on
mongourl URI to connect to mongodb
loglevel logging output level
configfile configuration json file
no-ssl run server on http (see below)

An example configuration json file would be structured as follows:


Adding administrator role to users in the mongoDB using the given script.

Users, their roles, and their permissions can all be added using the given script in scripts/create-admin.js. If you do not define a role, it defaults to administrator. Very likely needed to seed users with administrator role the first time the application is used.

$ ./scripts/create-admin.js --mongourl=mongodb://localhost:27017/acl --type "role" --permission "post"
$ ./scripts/create-admin.js --mongourl=mongodb://localhost:27017/acl --type "role" --permission "view"
$ ./scripts/create-admin.js --mongourl=mongodb://localhost:27017/acl --type "user" --username "email@address.co.uk"


Sentry will, by default, run on https. This requires the following options to be set:

These can be set on command line (except sslpassphrase), in the pm2 ecosystem file (except sslpassphrase), or in a separate configuration file which is read by --config.

To disable https, run with the option --no-ssl.

Run tests

npm install -g grunt-cli
cd auth

Run linter:

grunt lint

Run tests:

grunt test -v

Run tests and get coverage reports for server in ./coverage/:

grunt test_coverage


npm install -g artillery
artillery run ./test/load/artillery.yml --target localhost:8000