wuan / bo-android

lightning data monitor Android app for Blitzortung.org
Apache License 2.0
108 stars 32 forks source link

Lines of Code Coverage


The Android App *Blitzortung Lightning Monitor built from these sources visualizes lightning data provided by the blitzortung.org network.

<img src="https://fdroid.gitlab.io/artwork/badge/get-it-on.png" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="80"> <img src="https://play.google.com/intl/en_us/badges/images/generic/en-play-badge.png" alt="Get it on Google Play" height="80">

Available translations

Translation offers are welcome

We are still looking forward to volunteers preparing a translation for the following languages:

Translations to other languages are welcome as well. Please contact us via blitzortung at tryb.de