wubbl0rz / FiatChamp

FIAT (uconnect) Home Assistant Addon šŸš—
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Error connecting to the FIAT API #74

Open paulpupilla opened 2 months ago

paulpupilla commented 2 months ago

Hi, i don't understand why it give these errors... Username and password are corrects, because i can enter in jeep website here the log file:

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started [10:32:09 INF] Delay start for seconds: 1 [10:32:11 INF] { "FiatUser": "f*****", "FiatPw": "*", "FiatPin": "", "MqttServer": "core-mosquitto", "MqttPort": 1883, "MqttUser": "addons", "MqttPw": "****", "RefreshInterval": 15, "CarUnknownLocation": "Fuori casa", "SupervisorToken": "****", "Brand": "Jeep", "Region": "Europe", "HomeAssistantUrl": "http://supervisor/core", "StartDelaySeconds": 1, "AutoRefreshLocation": false, "AutoRefreshBattery": false, "EnableDangerousCommands": false, "ConvertKmToMiles": false, "DevMode": false, "UseFakeApi": false, "Debug": false } [10:32:11 INF] Now fetching new data... [10:32:11 INF] Mqtt connection successful [10:32:15 WRN] Error connecting to https://channels.sdpr-01.fcagcv.com/v1/accounts/8e5aef2c6407451d941a3de78a4e109d/vehicles/ZAC5JACL3PJK63795/location/lastknown. Result: BadGateway. Retrying in 00:00:01 [10:32:16 WRN] Error connecting to https://channels.sdpr-01.fcagcv.com/v1/accounts/8e5aef2c6407451d941a3de78a4e109d/vehicles/ZAC5JACL3PJK63795/location/lastknown. Result: BadGateway. Retrying in 00:00:02 [10:32:19 WRN] Error connecting to https://channels.sdpr-01.fcagcv.com/v1/accounts/8e5aef2c6407451d941a3de78a4e109d/vehicles/ZAC5JACL3PJK63795/location/lastknown. Result: BadGateway. Retrying in 00:00:05 [10:32:24 WRN] Error connecting to the FIAT API. This can happen from time to time. Retrying in 15 minutes. [10:32:24 INF] Fetching COMPLETED. Next update in 15 minutes. [10:34:14 INF] REFRESH SESSION