wubbl0rz / FiatChamp

FIAT (uconnect) Home Assistant Addon 🚗
MIT License
103 stars 25 forks source link
500e assistant car fiat hass hassio hassio-addons home home-assistant home-automation homeassistant jeep mqtt ram smarthome truck uconnect

image FiatChamp 🚗

Connect your FIAT, Jeep, Ram, Dodge, AlfaRomeo car 🚗 or truck 🚚 to Home Assistant. Needs a vehicle with enabled uconnect services and valid account.

I have created this addon for my own car 🚗 (new Fiat Icon 500e) and its the only one i can test it with. Work in progress so expect some bugs 🐞. 😅

Example dashboard using sensors and entities provided by this addon:


Prerequisites 📃


It looks like there are different uconnect services. Make sure your car works with one of the following uconnect sites. Older vehicles that only uses mopar.com do not seem to work.

Features ✔️

What doesn't work (yet)? ❌

What will NEVER work? ❌

How to install 🛠️

Home Assistant OS or Supervised

Follow the official docs:


Short version:

Standalone ( NOT RECOMMENDED ⚠️ )

When using Home Assistant as self managed docker container (like in this issue https://github.com/wubbl0rz/FiatChamp/issues/22) you can use FiatChamp in standalone mode. You need to update the container yourself and export all the needed environment variables. This is for advanced users only. The supervisor token can be generated on the the user profile page inside home assistant (Long-Lived Access Tokens).

docker compose example:

version: "3.9"                                                                                                                                     
    image: ghcr.io/wubbl0rz/image-amd64-fiat-champ:3.0.4
      - 'STANDALONE=True'
      - 'FiatChamp_FiatUser=user@example.com'
      - 'FiatChamp_FiatPw=123456'
      - 'FiatChamp_FiatPin=9999'
      - 'FiatChamp_SupervisorToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiI5NGFmMGJhZTFjYTQ0ODk2YWEzYjgzMGI5YmE4NGQxNiIsImlhdCI6MTY3MDA3Mjc
      - 'FiatChamp_StartDelaySeconds=1'
      - 'FiatChamp_Region=Europe'
      - 'FiatChamp_Brand=Fiat'
      - 'FiatChamp_CarUnknownLocation=Unknown'
      - 'FiatChamp_ConvertKmToMiles=False'
      - 'FiatChamp_MqttUser=mqtt'
      - 'FiatChamp_MqttPw=123456'
      - 'FiatChamp_MqttServer='
      - 'FiatChamp_MqttPort=1883'

Options / Usage

You dont have to configure MQTT. At startup the Addon will automatically connect to your Home Assistant MQTT Broker.


Where is the data ?

inside the mqtt integration (click on "devices"). after a successful run there should be a new entry named "car" or the nickname you gave the car on the website.


if not then check the error logs output of the addon.

Why is location not working.

it should work. have a look at the attributes. main status depends on the zones you configured in home assistant. when the car is within the radius of a predefined zone at will show the zone name as location. otherwise status "away" or a custom string.

What is DeepRefresh ? How to update my battery charging 🔋 level % ?

DeepRefresh is the "fiat language" for battery status update. The car sents only relatively rarely battery charging level % updates. If thats too slow for you press the "RefreshBatteryStatus" or "DeepRefresh" button (or call it in an automation) and the car should immediately update and sent back its current battery charging level %.
