wultra / ssl-pinning-android

Android SDK for our dynamic SSL pinning
Apache License 2.0
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Dynamic SSL pinning for Android

WultraSSLPinning is an Android library implementing dynamic SSL pinning, written in Kotlin.

The SSL pinning (or public key, or certificate pinning) is a technique mitigating Man-in-the-middle attacks against the secure HTTPS communication.

The typical Android solution is to bundle the hash of the certificate, or the exact data of the certificate into the application. The connection is then validated via X509TrustManager.

The popular OkHttp library has a built-in CertificatePinner class that simplifies the integration.

In general, this works well, but it has, unfortunately, one major drawback, the certificate's expiration date. The certificate expiration forces you to update your application regularly before the certificate expires. Unfortunately, some percentage of users don't update their apps automatically. In effect, users on older versions, will not be able to contact the application servers.

A solution to this problem is the dynamic SSL pinning, where a list of certificate fingerprints is securely downloaded from the remote server.

The WultraSSLPinning library does precisely this:

Before you start using the library, you should also check our other related projects:




To use WultraSSLPinning in your Android app add this dependency:

implementation 'com.wultra.android.sslpinning:wultra-ssl-pinning:1.x.y'

Note that this documentation is using version 1.x.y as an example. You can find the latest version on github's release page. The Android Studio IDE can also find and offer updates for your application’s dependencies.

Also, make sure you have the mavenCentral() repository among the project repositories.


The next chapters of this document will explain how to configure and use CertStore for SSL pinning purposes.


An example of CertStore configuration in Kotlin:

val publicKey: ByteArray = Base64.decode("BMne....kdh2ak=", Base64.NO_WRAP)
val configuration = CertStoreConfiguration.Builder(
                            serviceUrl = URL("https://..."), 
                            publicKey = publicKey)
val certStore = CertStore.powerAuthCertStore(configuration = configuration, appContext)

The configuration has the following properties:

Predefined Fingerprints

The CertStoreConfiguration may contain optional data with predefined certificate fingerprints. This technique can speed up the first application's startup when the database of fingerprints is empty. You still need to update your application, once the fallback fingerprints expire.

To configure the property, you need to provide GetFingerprintResponse with a fallback certificate fingerprints. The data should contain the same data as are usually received from the server, except that the signature property is not validated (but must be provided). For example:

val fallbackEntry = GetFingerprintResponse.Entry(
                       name = "github.com",
                       fingerprint = fingerprintBytes,
                       expires = Date(1591185600000),
val fallbackCertificates = GetFingerprintResponse(arrayOf(fallbackEntry))
val configuration = CertStoreConfiguration.Builder(
                            serviceUrl = URL("https://..."),
                            publicKey= publicKey)
val certStore = CertStore.powerAuthCertStore(configuration = configuration, appContext)

Updating Fingerprints

To update the list of fingerprints from the remote server, use the following code:

certStore.update(UpdateMode.DEFAULT, object: DefaultUpdateObserver() {
    override fun continueExecution() {
        // CertStore is likely up-to-date, you can resume execution of your code.

    override fun handleFailedUpdate(type: UpdateType, result: UpdateResult) {
        // There was an error during the update. Present an error to the user.


The method is asynchronous. DefaultUpdateObserver has two callbacks:

Both callbacks are notified on the main thread.

DefaultUpdateObserver is the default implementation of UpdateObserver. In case you need more control over the flow, you can use the interface directly:

certStore.update(UpdateMode.DEFAULT, object: UpdateObserver() {
    override fun onUpdateStarted(type: UpdateType) {
        // CertStore update started, either in DIRECT, SILENT or NO_UPDATE mode 

    override fun onUpdateFinished(type: UpdateType, result: UpdateResult) {
        // CertStore update of a given type finished asynchronously with some result.


The method is asynchronous. UpdateObserver has two callbacks:

Both callbacks are notified on the main thread.

There are three update types:

The update function works in two basic modes:

Note: In any update type, there's still a risk of failing network requests due to server certificates being evaluated as untrusted. This is because the server certificate might be replaced at any time and the library might not be aware of it yet. To mitigate these cases it's recommended to implement a global validation observer.

Updates are performed on an ExecutorService defined in the configuration, if not defined, the update runs on a dedicated thread.

Note that your app is responsible for invoking the update method. The app typically has to call the update during the application's startup, before the first secure HTTPS request is initiated to a server that's supposed to be validated with the pinning.

Fingerprint Validation

The CertStore provides several methods for certificate fingerprint validation. You can choose the one which suits best your scenario:

// [ 1 ]  If you already have the common name (e.g. domain) and certificate fingerprint

val commonName = "yourdomain.com"
val fingerprint: ByteArray = ...
val validationResult = certStore.validateFingerprint(commonName, fingerprint)

// [ 2 ]  If you already have the common name and the certificate data (in DER format)
val commonName = "yourdomain.com"
val certData: ByteArray = ...
val validationResult = certStore.validateCertificateData(commonName, certData)

// [ 3 ]  You want to validate java.security.cert.X509Certificate
val certificate: java.security.cert.X509Certificate = connection.getServerCertificates()[0]
val validationResult = certStore.validateCertificate(certificate)

Each validate... method returns the ValidationResult enum with the following options:

For all situations, the right response in this situation is always to cancel the ongoing connection.

The full challenge handling in your app may look like this:

val url = new URL("https://mydomain.com/")
val urlConnection = url.openConnection() as javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection

val serverCert = urlConnection.getServerCertificates()[0]
val validationResult = certStore.validateCertificate(serverCert)
if (validationResult != ValidationResult.TRUSTED) {
    throw javax.net.ssl.SSLException()

Global Validation Observers

In order to be notified about all validation failures there is the ValidationObserver interface and methods on CertStore for adding/removing global validation observers.

The motivation for these global validation observers is that some validation failures (e.g. those happening in SSLSocketFactory instances created by SSLSocketIntegration.createSSLPinningSocketFactory(CertStore)) are out of reach of the app integrating the pinning library. These global validation observers are notified about all validation failures. The app can then react with force updating the fingerprints.


PowerAuth Integration

The WultraSSLPinning library contains classes for integration with the PowerAuth SDK. The most important one is the PowerAuthSslPinningValidationStrategy class, which implements PA2ClientValidationStrategy with SSL pinning. You can simply instantiate in with an existing CertStore and set it in PA2ClientConfiguration. Then the class will provide SSL pinning for all communication initiated within the PowerAuth SDK.

For example, this is how the configuration sequence may look like if you want to use both, PowerAuthSDK and CertStore:

val certStoreConfiguration = CertStoreConfiguration.Builder(
                            serviceUrl = URL("https://..."),
                            publicKey= publicKey)

val powerAuthCertStore = CertStore.powerAuthCertStore(certStoreConfiguration, appContext)

val powerAuthConfiguration = PowerAuthConfiguration.Builder(

val powerAuthClientConfiguration = PowerAuthClientConfiguration.Builder()

val powerAuth = PowerAuthSDK.Builder(powerAuthConfiguration)

PowerAuth Integration From Java

Some of Kotlin's PowerAuthSDK integration APIs are inconvenient in Java. A CertStore integrating PowerAuthSDK can be created with:

CertStore store = PowerAuthCertStore.createInstance(configuration, context);


CertStore store = PowerAuthCertStore.createInstance(configuration, context, "my-keychain-identifier");

Note that Kotlin's way of construction CertStore.powerAuthCertStore is not available in Java. Calling this in Java would be way too cumbersome, but will work:

PowerAuthIntegrationKt.powerAuthCertStore(CertStore.Companion, configuration, context, null);`

Integration With HttpsUrlConnection

For integration with HttpsUrlConnection use SSLSocketFactory provided by SSLPinningIntegration.createSSLPinningSocketFactory(...) methods.

The code will look like this:

val url = URL(...)
val connection = url.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection

connection.sslSocketFactory = SSLPinningIntegration.createSSLPinningSocketFactory(store)


Integration With OkHttp

To integrate with OkHttp, use the following code:

val sslSocketFactory = SSLPinningIntegration.createSSLPinningSocketFactory(certStore);
val trustManager = SSLPinningX509TrustManager(certStore)

val okhttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
                .sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory, trustManager)

In the code above, use SSLSocketFactory provided by SSLPinningIntegration.createSSLPinningSocketFactory(...) and an instance of SSLPinningX509TrustManager.

Switching Server Certificate

Certificate pinning is great for your app's security but at the same time, it requires care when deploying it to your customers. Be careful with the update parameters in CertStoreConfiguration serving for the default updates, namely with setting the frequencies of updates.

A sudden change of a certificate on a pinned domain is best resolved by utilizing a global validation observer. The observer is notified about validation failures. The app can then force updating the fingerprints to resolve the failing TLS handshakes.

Note that failed validation itself doesn't affect the stored fingerprints, an update is necessary to make a change.


Can the library provide more debug information?

Yes, you can change how much information is printed to the debug console:

WultraDebug.loggingLevel = WultraDebug.WultraLoggingLevel.DEBUG

Is there a dependency on PowerAuthSDK?

There's an optional dependency on PowerAuthSDK.

However, the library requires several cryptographic primitives (see CryptoProvider) that are provided by PowerAuthSDK. Also, most of our clients are already using PowerAuthSDK in their applications. Therefore it's a no-brainer to use PowerAuthSDK for the cryptography in WultraSSLPinning.

Be aware that library version 1.1.x+ requires at least PowerAuth mobile SDK 1.4.2 and newer. This requirement is due to improvements in the secure data storage we have implemented in that version of the SDK.

If needed the library can be used without PowerAuthSDK. In this case, you can't use any class from the com.wultra.android.sslpinning.integration.powerauth package since they expect PowerAuthSDK to be present. Also, you have to provide your implementation of CryptoProvider and SecureDataStore.

What is pinned?

In SSL pinning there are two options of what to pin:

  1. Pin the certificate (DER encoding)
  2. Pin the public key

WultraSSLPinning tooling (e.g. this Android library, iOS version and Dynamic SSL Pinning Tool) use the first option: they pin the certificate.

In Java (Android) world this means that the library computes the fingerprint from:

Certificate certificate = ...;
byte[] bytesToComputeFingerprintFrom = certificate.getEncoded();

Note: Many blog posts and tools for certificate pinning on Android instead mention/use the second option - public key pinning. An example is CertificatePinner from popular OkHttp library.

In the case of public key pinning, the fingerprint is computed from:

Certificate certificate = ...;
byte[] bytesToComputeFringerprintFrom = certificate.getPublicKey().getEncoded();

This means that CertificatePinner cannot be readily used with the WultraSSLPinning library.

PowerAuthSDK already provides these functions.

If you do not desire to integrate PowerAuthSDK you can implement necessary interfaces yourself. The core of the library uses CryptoProvider and SecureDataStore interfaces and therefore is implementation-independent.

How to use public key pinning instead of certificate pinning?

If you really want to use public key pinning instead of certificate pinning (e.g. because you are fond of OkHttp's CertificatePinner). You have to do a couple of things:

You can use CertStore.validateCertficateData(commonName, byteArray) only if you pass public key bytes as byteArray.

For validating certificates, utilize CertStore.validateFingerprint() this way:

fun validateCertWithPublicKeyPinning(certificate: X509Certificate): ValidationResult {
    val key = certificate.publicKey.encoded
    val fingerprint = cryptoProvider.hashSha256(key)
    val commonName = CertUtils.parseCommonName(certificate)
    return validateFingerprint(commonName, fingerprint)

If you need SSLSocketFactory, reimplement X509TrustManager using the above validateCertWithPublicKeyPinning() method.

How can I use OkHttp to pin only some domains?

If your app connects to both pinned and not pinned domains, then create two instances of OkHttp client.

Use one instance to communicate with the pinned domains. Set it up according to Integration with OkHttp.

Use the second instance to communicate with the domains that are not pinned. Use normal setup for this one, don't use SSLSocketFactory and TrustManager provided by this library.

TLS 1.2 Support for older Android versions

This library supports TLS 1.2 for older Android versions (API < 21), but in some cases, your app will need to call ProviderInstaller.installIfNeeded (part of the Play Services), to install system support.

Download fingerprints from a test server

If your app connects to the development server with a self-signed certificate, then you can set SslValidationStrategy.noValidation() to sslValidationStrategy configuration to turn off the certificate chain validation.

Be aware, that using this option will lead to the use of an unsafe implementation of HostnameVerifier and X509TrustManager SSL client validation. This is useful for debug/testing purposes only, e.g. when an untrusted self-signed SSL certificate is used on the server side.

It's strictly recommended to use this option only in debug flavors of your application. Deploying to production may cause a "Security alert" in the Google Developer Console. Please see this and this Google Help Center articles for more details. Beginning 1 March 2017, Google Play will block the publishing of any new apps or updates that use such unsafe implementation of HostnameVerifier.

How to solve this problem for debug/production flavors in Gradle build script:

  1. Define a boolean type buildConfigField in flavor configuration.

    productFlavors {
     production {
       buildConfigField 'boolean', 'TRUST_ALL_SSL_HOSTS', 'false'
     debug {
       buildConfigField 'boolean', 'TRUST_ALL_SSL_HOSTS', 'true'
  2. In code use this conditional initialization for [CertStoreConfiguration.Builder]:

    val publicKey = Base64.decode("BMne....kdh2ak=", Base64.NO_WRAP)
    val builder = CertStoreConfiguration.Builder(
                    serviceUrl = URL("https://localhost/..."),
                    publicKey = publicKey)
    if (BuildConfig.TRUST_ALL_SSL_HOSTS) {
    val configuration = builder.build()
  3. Set minifyEnabled to true for release buildType to enable code shrinking with ProGuard.


All sources are licensed using Apache 2.0 license. You can use them with no restrictions. If you are using this library, please let us know. We will be happy to share and promote your project.


If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to drop us a line at hello@wultra.com or our official wultra.com/discord channel.

Security Disclosure

If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability with WultraSSLPinning, you should report it as soon as possible via email to support@wultra.com. Please do not post it to a public issue tracker.