wunderio / lando-drupal

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Wunder template for Lando Drupal projects

This is a template for Lando Drupal projects for defining the base Lando setup for Drupal. It creates .lando.base.yml file and .lando/core/ folder. You still need .lando.yml to define minimally the name and recipe parameter.


  1. Move your current .lando/* files to .lando/custom/ and change the references in .lando.yml. Next step will add new .lando/core/ folder.

  2. Install the composer package:

    composer require wunderio/lando-drupal --dev
  3. Add changes to GIT:

    git add .lando/core/ &&
    git add .lando/custom/ &&
    git add drush/sites/ &&
    git add .lando.base.yml &&
    git add -p composer.json composer.lock
  4. Depending on your project either create or update your .lando.yml.

    If you are creating new project, then you need to create .lando.yml file with the following:

    name: your-project-name
    recipe: drupal10

    In case you already had .lando.yml then remove anything that already exists in .lando.base.yml.

  5. Optionally enable custom extensions eg node and then rebuild Lando:

    lando load-wunderio-lando-drupal-extensions node
    lando rebuild

    All available extensions are listed at https://github.com/wunderio/lando-drupal/tree/main/extensions

  6. We need to migrate build steps due to the inability to overwrite them from .lando.yml. For instance, in the current setup in .lando.base.yml file we have this:

         - "/app/.lando/core/_run-scripts.sh services-appserver-build.sh"

    The above executes services-appserver-build.sh script from .lando/core/ folder, and it runs composer install.

    If now in your .lando.yml you have also composer install in the same build step, then this is also executed. Basically Lando stacks the commands in build steps.

        - "composer install"

    To resolve this issue, the recommended approach is to remove the build step from .lando.yml. Instead, copy the .lando/core/services-appserver-build.sh file to your .lando/custom/ folder. Then, customize it to suit your preferences. The line in .lando.base.yml - '/app/.lando/core/_run-scripts.sh services-appserver-build.sh' - will first check for the presence of services-appserver-build.sh in the .lando/custom/ folder. If it's not found, it will execute it from .lando/core/."


Configuration Overview:

PHP and Web Server:




Custom Configuration Files:

Tooling Commands:

Tooling commands that are defined as scripts (.lando/core/tooling-*.sh files) can be overwritten by adding them in .lando/custom/ folder with the same name. Currently, there are 3 scripts:


Service commands that are defined as scripts (.lando/core/services-*.sh files) can be overwritten by adding them in .lando/custom/ folder with the same name. Currently, there are 2 script:

Custom Events:

Environment File:

Lando Version:



Snapshot tool

Based on DDEV snapshot tool, we've added experimental tool also here. It's by far not so complete tooling as in DDEV. Hopefully this will get to Lando officially one day - we've created issue at https://github.com/lando/mariadb/issues/37

Create named snapshot:

lando snapshot --name foobar

Or create snapshot with timestamp:

lando snapshot

Restore the snapshot named foobar

lando snapshot restore foobar
lando restart