wurdcms / wurd-node

Wurd CMS client for Node
MIT License
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cms expressjs headless-cms nodejs server

Wurd CMS client for NodeJS

Wurd is a service that lets you integrate a CMS into any website or app in minutes. It features:

This client makes it easy to load content for rendering pages on the server.


For a website you might want to load shared content (e.g. header/footer) along with the specific page (e.g. homepage content).

Test out the below code on RunKit

const app = require('express')();
const wurd = require('wurd');

wurd.connect('node-example', {
  editMode: true  // Edit mode always on

app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
  //Load a content block with accessor methods
  //Content is cached for subsequent requests
  const content = await wurd.load('shared,homepage');

  //Use shortcuts for cleaner HTML templates
  const {text, el} = content;

  //Use block() for creating smaller subsets of content
  const footer = content.block('shared.footer');

        <!-- Use text() to get simple text content -->
        <!-- Use el() to create editable text regions -->
        <h2>${el('homepage.welcome', {name: 'John'}, {markdown: true})}</h2>

          <a href="https://github.com/wurdcms/wurd-node/blob/master/privacy">${footer.el('privacy')}</a>
          <a href="https://github.com/wurdcms/wurd-node/blob/master/terms">${footer.el('terms')}</a>

        <!-- Include this line for enabling inline content editing -->
        <script src="https://widget.wurd.io/widget.js" data-app="${content.app}"></script>


See more in the examples folder or run them with npm run example.

Installation & usage

Wurd Client API

The Wurd Client is returned from require('wurd') and is used to connect to a project and load content.

wurd.connect(appName, [options])

const wurd = require('wurd');

wurd.connect('project-name', {
  editMode: false,
  draft: false,
  lang: null,

In a Connect/Express app, you can use the returned middleware (along with the route middleware) to enable switching between edit mode by adding/removing the edit querystring parameter (add ?edit to the end of a page URL to enable editing mode). Check the example here: https://runkit.com/powmedia/wurd-node-example-middleware

const app = require('express')();
const wurd = require('wurd');

app.use(wurd.connect('project-name', {
  editMode: 'querystring',



Content Block API

await wurd.load('sectionName') will resolve to a Content Block with the following API for accessing content.

.text(path, [variables])

Returns a content item's as text.

Pass a variables object as the second argument and template variables surrounded by {{}} are replaced.

const content = await wurd.load('homepage');

content.text('homepage.welcome.title');  // 'Welcome'
content.text('homepage.welcome.message', { name: 'John' });  // 'Hi, {{name}}' becomes 'Hi, John'

.markdown(path, [variables])

Returns a content item as text and also parses it as Markdown for formatting.

Pass a variables object as the second argument and template variables surrounded by {{}} are replaced.

.map(path, function)

Iterates over a list of content. The function receives a content block for each item in the list, with their own .text(), .el() etc. methods.

const content = await wurd.load('team');

content.map('team.members', ({text}) => ``

.el(path, [variables], [options])

A helper method for adding editable text regions to HTML.

Note that the result of this method usually needs to be used in templates unescaped, so you should be careful if using this method where user generated content will be displayed.

<h1><%- content.el('homepage.title') %></h1>

.block(path, [callback])

Returns a new Content Block, with it's own methods for fetching content; this lets you use shorter content item IDs.

const content = await wurd.load('shared,homepage');

const shared = content.block('shared');
const page = content.block('homepage');

page.text('title'); // 'Welcome'

const footer = shared.block('footer');
footer.text('privacy'); // 'Privacy policy'
footer.text('terms'); // 'Terms and Conditions'
<% content.block('shared.footer', ({el}) => { %>
  <a href="https://github.com/wurdcms/wurd-node/blob/master/privacy"><%- el('privacy') %></a>
  <a href="https://github.com/wurdcms/wurd-node/blob/master/terms"><%- el('terms') %></a>
<% }) %>


Returns the content item without converting it to text. This method can be used to check if a content item already exists.

If the content item does not exist, null is returned. If it is

Pass a variables object as the second argument and template variables surrounded by {{}} are replaced.

const content = await wurd.load('homepage');

content.get('homepage.welcome.title');  // 'Welcome'
content.get('homepage.foo123'); // null (no content exists yet for this item)
content.get('homepage.team.members'); // the section content as a standard object


Returns the full item ID, which is the path from the root content, e.g. homepage.hero.title.

This method is usually only used when adding content editors to the page.

const content = await wurd.load('homepage');

const hero = content.block('hero');

hero.id('title'); // 'homepage.hero.title'
  <% content.block('hero', ({text, id}) => { %>
    <h1 data-wurd="<%= id('title') %>"><%= text('title') %></h1>
  <% ) %>

Other modules

If loading content in the browser, check out these other packages: