This repo contains the code for our WSDM 2023 paper: Modeling Fine-grained Information via Knowledge-aware Hierarchical Graph for Zero-shot Entity Retrieval by Taiqiang Wu, Xingyu Bai, Weigang Guo, Weijie Liu, Siheng Li, Yujiu Yang.
There is an explaination blog for this paper (in Chinese).
For the zero-shot entity retrieval task, a general way is to embed them in a dense space and calculate similarity scores to retrieve entities for the given mention.Intuitively, the sentence embeddings model the information of whole sentence rather than the mention/entity. When the attention scores from the [CLS] token to mentions/entities are relatively low, such sentence embeddings may be misled by other high-attention words, leading to a shift in the semantic vector space.
In this paper, we propose a novel Graph enhanced Entity Retrieval (GER) framework. Our key insight is to learn extra fine-grained information about mentions/entities as complementary to coarse-grained sentence embeddings. We extract the knowledge units as the information source and design a novel Graph Neural Network to aggregate these knowledge units.
cuda:11.0 Run this to create a conda env:
pip install -r requirement.txt
For Zeshel and other entity linking dataset, please follow this to get them. Put the data into folder: data/zeshel/blink_format data/zeshel/documents. When training, we will preprocess the data for the first time and reuse the cache after that. The preprocess may take a while.
Also, you can download the processed data via this directly.
Entity retrieval: (please change the @XXX to your own parameter)
python3 -u ger/ \
--dataset_path data/zeshel \
--pretrained_model bert-base-uncased \
--name @name \
--log_dir @path_to_save_log \
--mu @coarse_info_weight \
--epoch 10 \
--train_batch_size 128 \
--eval_batch_size 128 \
--encode_batch_size 128 \
--eval_interval 200 \
--logging_interval 10 \
--graph \
--gnn_layers 3 \
--learning_rate 2e-5 \
--do_eval \
--do_test \
--do_train \
--data_parallel \
--dual_loss \
--handle_batch_size 4 \
--return_type hgat
The meaning of some parameters is as follows:
_pretrainedmodel: str, the PLM backbone for encoder.
name: str, the fold name to save generate data
_logdir: str, the fold to save "name" fold
mu: float, the weight for coarse-grained information
graph: boolen, whether to use graph information
_dualloss: boolen, please refer to eq 12 in the paper
_returntype: str, type for vector to return. bert_only: the sentence embedding defined by [CLS] token; bert_only_mean: sentence embedding by the mean of all token; node_mean_only: the coarse information defined by the mean of all graph node embeddings from BERT; node_mean_add: the coarse information defined by the mean of all graph node embeddings from BERT + the sentence embedding defined by [CLS] token; node_mean_max: the coarse information defined by the max of all graph node embeddings from BERT + the sentence embedding defined by [CLS] token; node_max_only: the coarse information defined by the max of all graph node embeddings from BERT; node_max_add: the coarse information defined by the max of all graph node+ the sentence embedding defined by [CLS] token; linear_attention: the representations of mention/entity tokens from BERT; gat: the coarse-grained information from gat + BERT CLS; hgat: our method, the coarse-grained information from HGAN + BERT CLS.
Moreover, --train_ratio is optional for few sample setting. If we set --train_ratio 0.6, we would train the model by 60% training samples.
For entity ranking stage, you can refer to the bash/cross/
Please cite our paper if you find this paper helpful
author = {Taiqiang Wu and
Xingyu Bai and
Weigang Guo and
Weijie Liu and
Siheng Li and
Yujiu Yang},
editor = {Tat{-}Seng Chua and
Hady W. Lauw and
Luo Si and
Evimaria Terzi and
Panayiotis Tsaparas},
title = {Modeling Fine-grained Information via Knowledge-aware Hierarchical
Graph for Zero-shot Entity Retrieval},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth {ACM} International Conference on Web
Search and Data Mining, {WSDM} 2023, Singapore, 27 February 2023 -
3 March 2023},
pages = {1021--1029},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2023},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3539597.3570415},
timestamp = {Fri, 24 Feb 2023 13:56:00 +0100},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
If you have any question, please contact via github issue or email me through wtq20(AT)
This code is modified based on MuVER , we thank for their efforts.