wutayng / moments-cadence

NFT Moments Cadence/Flow Smart Contracts and JS/Node/Jest Testing
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  1. Configure a ./flow.json to deploy the 5 contracts to the Emulator Account

    "contracts": {
      "Moments": "./contracts/Moments.cdc",
      "MomentsMarket": "./contracts/MomentsMarket.cdc",
      "FungibleToken": "./contracts/FungibleToken.cdc",
      "FUSD": "./contracts/FUSD.cdc",
      "NonFungibleToken": "./contracts/NonFungibleToken.cdc"
    "accounts": {
      "emulator-account": {
        "address": "f8d6e0586b0a20c7",
        "keys": "xxxxx",
        "chain": "flow-emulator"
    "deployments": {
      "emulator": {
        "emulator-account": [
  2. Configure .env with the Emulator HTTP server port and Emulator account address


Run Jest testing suites to test contracts with Scripts and Transactions

  1. Start the flow emulator in the same repo directory

    flow emulator

  2. Deploy Contracts to the Emulator Account

    flow project deploy --network=emulator

  3. npm test

    This runs all tests sequentially, so there are no overlapping transaction errors in the emulator - which look like this:

    invalid proposal key: public key 0 on account f8d6e0586b0a20c7 has sequence number 19, but given 18

    Once the test suites are run, 4 accounts will be set up, FUSD and Moments minted, sent, put up for sale, removed from the market, and bought/sold.

Use Cadence Scripts & Transactions


Testnet Deployment

flow project deploy --network=testnet


Most of the cadence smart contracts are templated off of the kitty-items example application.
