Simple business directory used by
This project maintains a list of local businesses and keep track of it by scraping their data across social media platform and websites.
This WebApp needs PHP 7 and the DOM extension (php-xml package) to work.
Also the HTTP server must be able to route URL with Apache FallbackResource directive, mod_rewrite or Nginx "try_files" directive.
For the database you just have to create database Wuwana
the WebApp will automatically create all tables in your database.
This part is for system administrator who have full access to its own server.
If it's your case, connect to your server with SSH then...
cd /var/www
git clone
and ignore your changes by Git:cd /var/www/wuwana2
nano WebRoot/Models/WebApp/Config.php
git update-index --skip-worktree WebRoot/Models/WebApp/Config.php
files you have to copy the parameters in your server configuration in order to use permalinks.Your website is now ready!
Later, if you want to update the WebApp, just run git pull
in the project directory.
This part is for webmaster who just have a website hosting service.
If it's your case, check if your hosting solution is compatible with all the previous requirements then...
git clone
git update-index --skip-worktree WebRoot/Models/WebApp/Config.php
Your website is now ready!
Later, if you want to update the WebApp, just run git pull
on your computer in the project directory then re-upload all files in your web hosting with FTP.
Just after you installed this WebApp, the first thing to do is probably adding new company.
Go to to add new companies in the database.
After that you can see all companies on the homepage.
Jonathan Web designer |
Vince Backend developer |
Everybody is welcome to contribute! 🤓
Please read the contributing developer doc.
This project is distributed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0 License).
To summarize you can fork, modify, distribute or use it even for commercial use but you can not use the name Wuwana™ in your website name or the Wuwana logo.