nanoESP32-S2 是MuseLab基于乐鑫ESP32-S2系列模组推出的开发板,板载USB转串口,TYPE-C、全彩LED,引脚兼容官方开发板,同时引出调试烧录串口和ESP32-S2本身的USB接口,更方便日常的开发测试。
模组 | PCB天线 | IPEX天线 | PSRAM |
ESP32-S2-WROOM | Yes | No | No |
ESP32-S2-WROOM-I | No | Yes | No |
ESP32-S2-WROVER | Yes | No | Yes |
ESP32-S2-WROVER-I | No | Yes | Yes |
ESP32-S2芯片和ESP32相比,差异说明如下 模组 | ESP32 | ESP32-S2 |
Microcontroller | Xtensa dual-core 32-bit LX6 | Xtensa single-core 32-bit LX7 |
Clock Frequency | 160/240 MHz | 160/240 MHz |
Co-processor | ULP | ULP (RISC-V) |
SRAM | 520 KB | 320 KB |
ROM | 448 KB | 128 KB |
RTC Memory | 16 KB | 16 KB |
External SPIRAM | Up to 16MB | Up to 128MB |
External Flash | No | Up to 1G |
Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) | HT20 | HT20 |
ESP-MESH | Yes | Yes |
Bluetooth | BT 4.2 BR/EDR & BLE | No |
Ethernet | 10/100 Mbps | No |
CAN | 2.0 | No |
Time of Flight | No | Yes |
GPIO (total) | 34 | 43 |
Touch Sensors | 10 | 14 |
SPI | 4 | 4 (OSPI) |
I2C | 2 | 2 |
I2S | 2 | 1 |
UART | 3 | 2 |
ADC | 18 (12-bit) | 20 (12-bit) |
DAC | 2 (8-bit) | 2 (8-bit) |
PWM (soft) | 16 | 8 |
SDMMC | Yes | No |
RMT (remote control) | Yes | Yes |
USB OTG | No | Yes |
LCD Interface | No | Yes |
Camera Interface | No | Yes |
Temperature sensor | Yes | Yes |
Hall sensor | Yes | No |
Security | Secure boot Flash encryption 1024-bit OTP | Secure boot Flash encryption 4096-bit OTP |
Crypto | AES, SHA-2, RSA, ECC, RNG | AES-128/192/256, SHA-2, RSA, RNG, HMAC, Digital Signature |
Low Power Consumption | 10uA deep sleep | Automatic RF power management 5uA in idle mode 24uA at 1% duty cycle |
预置的出厂测试固件源码位于demo目录下,上电之后预期RGB LED应该会开始闪烁,两个TYPE-C接口一个为CH340 USB,用于调试下载,另一个为ESP32-S2的USB,若插入ESP32-S2 USB,预期会出现一个名为"ESP32-S2 MSC"的的U盘以及一个CDC串口设备。 固件编译参考:
$git clone
$cd /path/to/esp-idf && ./ && . ./ && cd -
$git clone
$cd tinyusb/examples/device/cdc_msc_freertos/
$ set-target esp32s2
$ -p /dev/ttyUSB0 flash monitor