wuyun8210 / partdetection

Part detection model (yolo) for CUB200-2011 bird dataset
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Part detection model (yolo v3) for CUB200-2011 bird dataset

We provide the trained model (yolo v3) for detecting the parts of birds. Thought the model is trained on CUB200-2011 bird dataset, you can use it to detect any birds. If you are interested, please refer to work:

@article{ author = {Feng, Hui and Wang, Shanshan and Ge, Shuzhi Sam}, title = {Fine-grained visual recognition with salient feature detection}, journal = {arXiv:1808.03935}, year = {2018}, type = {Journal Article} }

  1. install darknet (guide: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/)
  2. download the model file from google drive (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR8vvH5W02dKZq0lZeYUFxQdyhEEoRnI/view?usp=sharing)
  3. detect the parts using: ./darknet detect yolov3_bird.cfg path_to_model.weights full_path_for_one_image.jpg [-thresh 0.2]