wvrzel / simpleCalDAV

A simple php CalDAV-Client library. Connect, create, change, delete... easy to use
GNU General Public License v2.0
115 stars 57 forks source link


Copyright 2014 Michael Palm palm.michael@gmx.de

Table of content

  1. About
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. How to get started
  5. Example Code

  1. About

simpleCalDAV is a php library that allows you to connect to a calDAV-server to get event-, todo- and free/busy-calendar resources from the server, to change them, to delete them, to create new ones, etc. simpleCalDAV was made and tested for connections to the CalDAV-server Baikal 0.2.7. But it should work with any other CalDAV-server too.

It contains the following functions:

All of those functions are really easy to use, self-explanatory and are deliverd with a big innitial comment, which explains all needed arguments and the return values.

This library is heavily based on AgenDAV caldav-client-v2.php by Jorge López Pérez jorge@adobo.org which again is heavily based on DAViCal caldav-client-v2.php by Andrew McMillan andrew@mcmillan.net.nz. Actually, I hardly added any features. The main point of my work is to make everything straight forward and easy to use. You can use simpleCalDAV whithout a deeper understanding of the calDAV-protocol.

  1. Requirements

Requirements of this library are

  1. Installation

Just navigate into a directory on your server and execute git clone https://github.com/wvrzel/simpleCalDAV.git

Assure yourself that cURL is installed.

Import SimpleCalDAVClient.php in your code and you are ready to go ;-)

  1. How to get started

Read the comments in SimpleCalDAVClient.php and the example code.

  1. Example Code

Example code is provided under "/example code/".