wvulibraries / databases

The new databases app, which will basically be a port written in rails.
MIT License
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CircleCI Maintainability Test Coverage




In config/environments the development.rb and production.rb files need to be modified. Currently they point to WVU's mailservers and instead they should point to whatever email server you intend to use. Also verifying ports and other settings should be setup to your specific needs.


In config/initialiers the recaptcha.rb may have to be modified. To get the proper captcha fields you should use the V2 Api using google's recaptcha interface.


There are some configuration items that were setup to be easy to use and very configurable for anyone with little technical expierience. These are in the config/application.yml.


Rake Tasks

rake search_index:database                              # Re-index databases


We are using Rspec and Shoulda matchers in the backend for testing our models.

RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec will run the full test RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec {directory_path} will run a specific subset of tests RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec {directory_path}/{test_name} will run a single test.

Application Setup

Databases code updates steps: git pull Then exec into app container (no need to shutdown) and do: bundle install bundle clean (optional) bin/rails db:create bin/rails db:schema:load bin/rails db:seed (only for dev to load testing data) bin/rails assets:precompile bin/rails restart bin/rails search_index:database bundle exec rake search_index:database

Loading MySql backup

Run the following from the host system after doing bin/rails db:create in the docker container. docker exec -i db mysql -u root -pdocker databases_development < ./mysql-files/{backup filename}.sql