wwarthen / FAT

RomWBW HBIOS FAT Filesystem Utility
6 stars 2 forks source link


Author: Wayne Warthen \ Updated: 6-Jan-2024

This application allows copying files between CP/M filesystems and FAT filesystems (DOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.). The application runs on RomWBW hosted CP/M (and compatible) operating systems. The application also has limited file management capabilities on FAT filesystems including directory listing, renaming, deleting, and sub-directory creation.


  FAT DIR <path>
  FAT COPY <src> <dst>
  FAT REN <from> <to>
  FAT DEL <path>[<file>|<dir>]
  FAT MD <path>
  FAT FORMAT <drv>

CP/M filespec: \<d>:FILENAME.EXT (\<d> is CP/M drive letter A-P) \ FAT filespec: \<u>:/DIR/FILENAME.EXT (\<u> is disk unit #)


Known Issues

| < > . , ; : ? * [ ] |/ \

The operation will be aborted with "Error: Invalid Path Name" if such a filename character is encountered.

Since MS-DOS does allow some of these characters, you can have issues when copying files from MS-DOS to CP/M if the MS-DOS filenames use these characters. Unfortunately, FAT is not yet smart enough to substitute illegal characters with legal ones. So, you will need to clean the filenames before trying to copy them to CP/M.


GNU GPLv3 (see file LICENSE.txt)

Build Notes:

To Do:


Date Version Notes
2-May-2019 v0.9 (beta) initial release
7-May-2019 v0.9.1 (beta) added REN and DEL
8-May-2019 v0.9.2 (beta) handle file collisions w/ user prompt
8-Oct-2019 v0.9.3 (beta) fixed incorrect filename buffer size (MAX_FN)
10-Oct-2019 v0.9.4 (beta) upgraded to FatFs R0.13c
10-Oct-2019 v0.9.5 (beta) added MD (make directory)
10-Oct-2019 v0.9.6 (beta) added FORMAT
11-Oct-2019 v0.9.7 (beta) fix FORMAT to use existing partition table entries
add attributes to directory listing
12-Apr-2021 v0.9.8 (beta) support CP/NET drives
12-Oct-2023 v0.9.9 (beta) handle updated HBIOS Disk Device call
6-Jan-2024 v1.0.0 updated to latest FsFat (v0.15)
updated to latest SDCC (v4.3)