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Overcoming Generic Knowledge Loss with Selective Parameter Update (CVPR'24)

Authors: Wenxuan Zhang, Paul Janson, Rahaf Aljundi, Mohamed Elhoseiny  @ KAUST Vision-CAIR, TME &nbsp  

Use this repo to reproduce the results of our methods as well as the baselines.


conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate clip

Use the following to install the learning rate scheduler

pip install 'git+https://github.com/katsura-jp/pytorch-cosine-annealing-with-warmup'

Reproduce Our Results


Prepare the datasets by following the instructions in the data folder.

Reproduce our method

python main.py dataset=[cifar100 | cub | cars | aircraft | gtsrb | birdsnap ]

Run baselines

Supported baselines:

python main.py \
    dataset=[cifar100 | cub | cars | aircraft | gtsrb | birdsnap ] \
    baseline@_global_=[flyp | er | lwf | mas | prd | loraewc | slca | sparsecl | spg | zscl]

Supported features

For replay based method, use balanced_buffer=False to apply uniform sampling (uniformly from buffer and the current task)

python main.py dataset=your_dataset baseline@_global_=your_baseline balanced_buffer=False

Use joint=True for joint training

python main.py dataset=your_dataset baseline@_global_=your_baseline joint=True

Adjust buffer_size to scaling down or up the buffer size

python main.py dataset=your_dataset baseline@_global_=your_baseline buffer_size=0.5

Adjust num_tasks to adjust the number of split of dataset

python main.py dataset=your_dataset baseline@_global_=your_baseline num_tasks=20



          title={Overcoming Generic Knowledge Loss with Selective Parameter Update},
          author={Zhang, Wenxuan and Janson, Paul and Aljundi, Rahaf and Elhoseiny, Mohamed},