wxgeo / ptyx-mcq

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pTyX MCQ Extension

MCQ generation (PDF files) and automatic marking of scanned students answers.


pTyX is a LaTeX precompiler, written in Python. pTyX enables to generate LaTeX documents, using custom commands or plain python code. One single pTyX file may generate many latex documents, with different values. I developed and used pTyX to make several versions of a same test in exams, for my student, to discourage cheating. Since it uses sympy library, pTyX has symbolic calculus abilities too.

The pTyX MCQ extension makes it easy to use pTyX to generate Multiple Choice Questions in the form of pdf documents. The students MCQ can then be scanned and automatically corrected and marked.


Obviously, pTyX needs a working Python installation. Python version 3.8 (at least) is required for pTyX MCQ to run.

Currently, pTyX is only supported on GNU/Linux.

The easiest way to install it is to use pip.

$ pip install --user ptyx_mcq


To generate a template, run:

$ mcq new new_folder

This will generate a new_folder folder with a new.ptyx file inside, which is the main configuration file.

This will also create a new_folder/questions/ folder, where you should put all the exercises, as .txt files.

A few text files are already included as examples.

See the next section (MCQ file format) for more information about those files format.

To compile the template, run:

$ mcq make

For more options:

$ mcq make --help

To automatically corrected the scanned students MCQs, but them as a pdf inside new_folder/scan.

Then run:

$ mcq scan

MCQ file format

When running mcq new, a template folder will be generated, including a new.ptyx file.

(More to come...)