wyntau / me-lazyload

image lazyload directive for angular
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Images lazyload directive for angular.


Demo Site: http://treri.github.io/me-lazyload

Basic Usage

  1. include me-lazyload.js as dependence.

    var app = angular.module('myApp', ['me-lazyload'])
  2. instead src with lazy-src.

    <img lazy-src="https://github.com/wyntau/me-lazyload/raw/master/{{imgUrl}}" alt="" />
  3. All Done!

Optional Parameters

Additional parameters can be added, example:

     <img lazy-src="https://github.com/wyntau/me-lazyload/raw/master/{{imgUrl}}" animate-visible="true" animate-speed="0.5s" alt="" />

The following is a list of all the additional parameters:

Paramater Remark Value (Example) Default Value
animate-visible If set true, all images (include those initially visible) will be animated. Please note that by default initial visible images will be displayed immediately without fading "true" "false"
animate-speed The speed of the animation in seconds or milliseconds "0.5s" "1s"
