wzpan / hexo-generator-search

A plugin to generate search data for Hexo.
MIT License
461 stars 84 forks source link
hexo plugin search search-engine


npm npm

Generate search data for Hexo 3.x and 4.x. This plugin is used for generating a search index file, which contains all the neccessary data of your articles that you can use to write a local search engine for your blog. Supports both XML and JSON format output.


$ npm install hexo-generator-search --save


You can configure this plugin in your root _config.yml.

  path: search.xml
  field: post
  content: true
  template: ./search.xml

Exclude indexing

To exclude a certain post or page from being indexed, you can simply insert indexing: false setting at the top of its front-matter, e.g.:

title: "Code Highlight"
date: "2014-03-15 20:17:16"
tags: highlight
categories: Demo
description: "A collection of Hello World applications from helloworld.org."
toc: true
indexing: false

Then the generated result will not contain this post or page.


What's this plugin supposed to do?

This plugin is used for generating a xml / json file from your Hexo blog that provides data for searching.

Where's this file saved to?

After executing hexo g you will get the generated result at your public folder.

How to use this plugin in my Hexo blog?

You have two choices: