x1mdev / ReconPi

ReconPi - A lightweight recon tool that performs extensive scanning with the latest tools.
MIT License
713 stars 116 forks source link
docker hacking hacking-tool hacktoberfest nuclei raspberry-pi recon recon-pi shell

Recon Pi

__________                          __________.__ 
\______   \ ____   ____  ____   ____\______   \__|
 |       _// __ \_/ ___\/  _ \ /    \|     ___/  |
 |    |   \  ___/\  \__(  <_> )   |  \    |   |  |
 |____|_  /\___  >\___  >____/|___|  /____|   |__|
        \/     \/     \/           \/             

            v2.2 - @x1m_martijn 

ReconPi - A lightweight recon tool that performs extensive reconnaissance with the latest tools using a Raspberry Pi.

Start using that Raspberry Pi -- I know you all have one laying around somewhere ;)

Since version 2.1 ReconPi is usable on your VPS, thanks to Sachin Grover for putting in a lot of work.

The latest HypriotOS image works perfect for Raspberry Pi's!

Easy installation

Connect to your ReconPi or VPS with SSH:

ssh pirate@ [Edit IP address if needed]

Curl the install.sh script and run it: curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/x1mdev/ReconPi/master/install.sh | bash

Manual installation

Connect to your system with SSH:

$ ssh pirate@ [Edit IP address if needed]

Now we can set up everything, it's quite simple:

Grab a cup of coffee since this will take a while.


After installing all of the dependencies for the ReconPi you can finally start doing some recon!

$ recon <domain.tld>

recon.sh will first gather resolvers for the given target, followed by subdomain enumeration and checking those assets for potential subdomain takeover. When this is done the IP addresses of the target are enumerated. Open ports will be discovered accompanied by a service scan provided by Nmap.

Nuclei and its templates have been implemented in the routine!

Finally the live targets will be screenshotted and evaluated to discover endpoints.

Results will be stored on the Recon Pi and can be viewed by running `python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337" in your results directory. Your results will be accessible from any system with a browser that exists in the same network.

Make sure to add your SLACK token to the tokens.txt file if you want to get slack notification after the completion of recon process.

Sample Token.txt ($HOME/ReconPi/configs/tokens.txt)


Config Files (Note: config file for amass, subfinder and naabu are stored inside ReconPi/configs/ folder, provide your api keys in these files)

Input your API keys in these files to get better results

Subfinder Config file path : $HOME/ReconPi/configs/config.yaml

Amass Config file path : $HOME/ReconPi/configs/config.ini

We have added a $hackerhandle which is used in the nuclei scans. An additional x-bug-bounty: reconpi header will be added, please update this with your own handle :)



Tools that will be installed:


Subdomain Enumeration:

More tools will be added in the future, feel free to make a pull request!
