xKDR / Karmana.jl

MIT License
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Karmana.jl is a library which implements utilities to munge CMIE CPHS data and visualize it. It exposes multiple, orthogonal capabilities.

Karmana's visualization utilities are built on the Makie.jl ecosystem, including the GeoMakie.jl package.

The package is built to automate some processes to:


Karmana.jl is meant to work with CMIE CPHS data, and is not meant to be released to the General registry.

using Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "https://github.com/xKDR/Karmana.jl")

To add a specific branch or tag, provide the rev = "branch_name" keyword argument.


Karmana.jl implements several orthogonal functions. For more information, please see the documentation API page, or by running ?funcname in the REPL to access Julia's help mode.

Plotting and visualization

Global variables

All of these variables are populated by Karmana.__init__(), and can their values can be accessed by, for example, Karmana.state_df[] (note the empty square brackets, which indicate that you're accessing the value of the Ref).

CPHS helper functions

Karmana has several CPHS helper functions to parse data.

Capex helper functions

Karmana has some parsers for CMIE Capex data lat/long strings.

Spatial utilities

Karmana has some geodetic/spatial utilities, like annular_ring and line_to_geodetic_width_poly. See the docs and examples for more information!

Environment variables

Karmana can be configured by the following environment variables: