xXAI-botXx / Calm-down-bot

A GPT2 model is to be extended to a new task via transfer learning. The GPT2 model is to be fine-tuned in such a way that it generates interactive, meditative and calming stories for the user.
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Your calm down bot

☀️ The bot you wish was your therapist🏖️




A GPT2 model is to be extended to a new task via transfer learning. The GPT2 model is to be fine-tuned so that it acts as a "talk down" for anxiety/panic attacks.
The model should therefore act as a chatbot. The communication participant should be positively encouraged and reassured. The functionality of the bot is therefore similar to Eliza.
The language is English and the model is to be deployed as a chatbot on Discord.
The training data requires positive conversations that are relaxed and reassuring. The conversation should be sensitive and emotional, but with a certain lightness.
The chatbot should therefore make reassuring statements at the end. It should remain rational and focus on the "here and now". It could possibly teach small tasks/relaxation techniques.
Since such training data is difficult to obtain, ChatGPT is used to generate the data.

The GPT3 model would actually be used for this, but this is associated with costs, so the decision was made to use the GPT2 model.

Project Milestones

Advantages and Disadvantages



Fine-Tuning Data

For the data I use ChatGPT to generate my data. Therefore I need to prepare different commands to get the data. Also I have to program which picks different commands and calls ChatGPT over API.

Example Commands:

Erstelle einen Dialog, in dem eine Person über ihre Ängste spricht und die andere Person versucht, sie mit einer beruhigenden Visualisierungstechnik zu trösten.
The Questions and answer also can be very short, like in reality. Write only the Dialog no other message. Write the chat on english with really short answers and use following format:
Person A: Hey 
Person B: Hey, how are you? 
Person A: ... 
Erstelle einen Dialog, in dem eine Person über ihre Ängste spricht und die andere Person versucht, sie mit einer beruhigenden Visualisierungstechnik zu trösten.
The Questions and answer also can be very short, like in reality. Write only the Dialog no other message. Write the chat on english with really short answers and use following format:
Person A: Hey 
Person B: Hey, how are you? 
Person A: ... 

This project shows, that there are good reasons to use ChatGPT for DataGeneration. In a half day you can generate your dream NLP dataset, but you have to pay money and have to setup up everything also different commands (you can use my work if it is helpful). In a nutshell:



Total traindata creation time:

=> Created 1630 Training-Dialogs.

Results in 11.147 Input-Output Pairs!

To access the Openai API (now 05.01.2024), you can use following code:

from openai import OpenAI

with open("./API_KEY.txt", "r") as f:
  API_KEY = f.read()
client = OpenAI(api_key=API_KEY)

def request_gpt3(message):
    messages = [
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
        {"role": "user", "content": message}

    response = client.chat.completions.create(

    return response.choices[0].message.content

You have to create an API-Code on the official website and have to pay some money for the usage. I saved my API-KEY in a text file and just loaded it, as shown in the code. Don't forget to add the API_KEY.txt to your gitignore file.

Now it's important to build a loop, in which different commands are selected. Different commands leads to different answeres, so it's very important to have many commands. Then it is also important to save the answer from the ChatGPT model into a file. How exactly is up to you. I did it like this (data_generation.ipynb).

As pseudocode it can look like:

while True:
    command = choose_command()
    answer = request_gpt3(command)




For the fine-tuning there are many things to respect. Here the most important facts. I used the Google Collab environment with the NVIDIA Tesla V100. More hardware details are shown in the next chapter.

For the optimizer I orintated on models like GPT-3 and used the Adam-Optimizer. I choose a small learnrate 1*e-4 to generalise well. I expect that a low epoch-rate will be fine, because the data is partwise very similiar, so in one epoch the model saw the same data more than one times, I don't know how often exactly.

The Batch-Size is 4, which is very small, but my available GPU-RAM had no more capacity.

To contain the context it was important to add the context of the conversation to the input prompt. It is questionable how good this works. Currently it's not sure how many messages are given by the given 1024 tokens. Also it's not clear, if the user and bot inputs markings are working like I wish (I added marks to itlike: ...\... -> see below for a indeepth example). And finally it could happen, that messages are splitted somewhere and the context could propably change through this process. Also the missing of start and/or end token can hinder the model, but I expect this is not a problem, since the provided informations of these tokens are not so important (from my perspective).

Tokens as described in the documentation:

bos_token (-) – (Optional) string: a beginning of sentence token. Will be associated to self.bos_token and self.bos_token_id

eos_token (-) – (Optional) string: an end of sentence token. Will be associated to self.eos_token and self.eos_token_id

sep_token (-) – (Optional) string: a separation token (e.g. to separate context and query in an input sequence). Will be associated to self.sep_token and self.sep_token_id

pad_token (-) – (Optional) string: a padding token. Will be associated to self.pad_token and self.pad_token_id

Our Input with context will looks like:

Hey, I've been feeling really down lately. I just can't seem to find any motivation or purpose in my life.I completely understand how you feel. I went through a similar phase a while back. I had lost all sense of direction and felt like my life lacked purpose. But then I came across this incredible story that really inspired me.What was the story about?It was about a man named Nick Vujicic. He was born without arms and legs, and faced numerous challenges and obstacles throughout his life. Despite all that, he never let his disabilities define him. Instead, he used his setbacks as fuel to achieve incredible things. He became a motivational speaker, inspiring millions of people around the world.That's really inspiring. But how did he manage to find motivation and purpose in his life?Well, Nick didn't let his circumstances determine his happiness or success. He believed that true happiness and purpose come from within, and he focused on developing a positive mindset. He found joy in helping others and making a difference in their lives. He embraced his unique situation and used it as a platform to inspire others.That's amazing. But I still struggle to find that inner motivation and purpose in my own life.I think the key is to start small and take little steps towards finding what truly makes you happy. Explore different interests, set goals for yourself, and surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Remember, everyone's journey is different, and it's okay to take your time to discover your passion and purpose. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and never give up.

Hey, I've been feeling really overwhelmed lately and I think I might have Separation Anxiety Disorder.Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly are you experiencing?

I decided to only use the sep, pad and a special bot token. The sep-token will help the model to understand the context, the pad token for the padding (because the input need the same length). There is also a special bot token that allows the model to know which part is his part and can learn it.

The start token is not used, because it will be cutted away when the input is too big and that could hinder the model from good generalization. But I added the end token, because I think it is helpful for the model to know where is the end of his answer and could help him in the generalization process.

I also decided to use a right padding. That should be better for our generative model, I read that in an article and it also makes sense. A real input looks like:

Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.Hey, what's on your mind?I've been feeling really anxious lately.I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to talk about it?I don't know, it just feels overwhelming.I understand. Sometimes facing our fears head-on can help. Have you ever tried any small tasks to help alleviate your anxiety?No, I haven't. What kind of tasks do you mean?Well, for example, you could try taking up a creative hobby like drawing or painting. It can be a great way to express yourself and take your mind off things.That sounds interesting. I've always wanted to learn how to draw.Great! You could start by watching some beginner tutorials online or even taking a short class. It doesn't have to be perfect, just have fun with it and let your creativity flow.I never thought of that. It could be a nice distraction from my anxiety.Exactly! Another idea is to try journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can provide a sense of release and clarity.

This will be given as input and as the target/label. The model also gets a attention mask, so that it not learns the paddings.

All training details can be found in train.ipynb.



Second Fine-Tuning

To make the model more stable and add the chatbot more usability there was a second fine-tuning phase where the model is trained with new data (including the data from the first fine tuning).

The new data contains dialogs about visualizations and about common conversations.

The generation of the new data needed (without the original data):

=> Created 4353 Training-Dialogs.

Results in 47488 (36341 new) Input-Output Pairs! (included the previous fine-tuning data).

This time I decided to increase to 8 epochs because of the higher complexity of the data.

All training details can be found in train_refinetuning.ipynb.




Traindata Generation

Since I used the Openai-API as previsly described I just needed a CPU to run the loop of data generation.

Fine-Tuning and Second Fine-Tuning


Conversation with bad mood:

User: Hey, I feel not so good
Bot: Hey, sorry to hear that. What's going on?

User: Tomorrow I have a presenttion and that is a lot of pressure
Bot: I understand how you feel. It's disappointing when we have to give up sometimes. But remember, you're capable of handling this.

User: Do you have any tips?
Bot: Thanks for distracting me. Sometimes we just need a little push to get through the day.

User: Umm...ok. Yes. Bye.
Bot: Goodbye.
User: Hello
Bot: I can provide you with some guidance on how to incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily life. In addition to relaxation techniques, we can also work on cognitive behavioral therapy to address any negative thought patterns or beliefs that may be contributing to your anxiety and depression. How does that sound to you?

User: Oh, very good. Let's start.
Bot: Alright, I'm willing to try anything at this point. What are the specific techniques we should focus on?

User: Tell me a story about chocolate
Bot: Once upon a time, there was a young man named Sam who was very anxious and found it difficult to be comfortable in eating. Despite this, he always enjoyed eating whole bananas and felt extremely sad. Despite these intense feelings, he never gave up and continued to eat banana food.

User: Thank you, for your help. I have to go now. Bye!
Bot: Goodbye. Now, I want you to imagine that you are a normal person, feeling like you want to be happy and at ease, right?
User: I think I have a panic attack. Please help me.
Bot: Take deep breaths and tell me what you're feeling anxious about. I'm here to support you.

User: I'm afraid of what other people are thinking about me.
Bot: It's understandable to feel anxious about what others think of us. Remember, you are not alone in feeling that way.

User: Thank you for your support.
Bot: It's my pleasure to help. Let's start by discussing what might be causing your anxiety. Have you ever been to bed in an environment where there's a lot of anxiety?

User: No, I were never been in this situation. Maybe it comes from my childhood.
Bot: It's definitely possible. There was a time when anxiety was much more intense than you realize. You could experience sudden changes in your heart rate, shortness of breath, and even trembling.

User: Yes exactly.
Bot: It sounds like you might be experiencing some classic symptoms of anxiety. It's important to remind yourself that these feelings are treatable. Have you tried any relaxation techniques or breathing exercises?

User: No, show me a breathing exercise.
Bot: That's right. One technique you can try is called deep breathing. It's quite simple and can help calm your body. Try taking slow, deep breaths in through your nose, counting to four, then exhaling slowly through your mouth.

User: Let me try...yes it kinda works!
Bot: Great! Now, I want you to imagine yourself in a peaceful and serene place. Picture yourself surrounded by nature's beauty, feeling completely at ease.
User: Hey, I am so angry right now.
Bot: I understand that you're feeling angry. It's important to acknowledge and validate your emotions. Can you tell me more about what's been going on?

User: I have an argument with my wife and I am very dissapointed.
Bot: It sounds like our arguments are really strained. Remember, both of us are arguing in our minds, and different points of view may be contributing to our happiness or stress levels. Have you agreed on specific things to discuss?

User: Ummm... yes I do. You are right.
Bot: It's natural to have these emotional feelings, especially when facing disagreement. Have you tried any coping mechanisms or techniques to help manage your anger?

User: No, show me some.
Bot: One helpful technique is deep breathing exercises. When we're in disagreement, take a moment to breathe in and out slowly through your nose and mouth. This can help reduce stress and bring a sense of calm.

User: Thank you. I go now. Bye.
Bot: You're welcome. Remember, it's important to take care of your overall well-being. If your angry thoughts take a toll on your emotions, it's important to practice some self-compassion and self-compassion.

Conversation with good mood:

User: Hey, how are you?
Bot: I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. How about you?

User: I feel great
Bot: Hey! You won't believe what happened to me today.

User: What? Tell me
Bot: I won a free trip to Hawaii from my friend.

User: Wow that is amzing!
Bot: That sounds amazing! How did you win it?
User: Hey, I feel so good recently.
Bot: Hi there, I'm here to help. What's been going on?

User: I'm just happy. I need no help. Everything is fine.
Bot: I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like you're going through a tough time. Can you tell me more about what's been going on?

User: You missunderstand me.
Bot: That's alright. Sometimes life can get overwhelming. We all need moments of relief. Have you tried meditation or spending time with loved ones?

User: Hello?
Bot: No, I haven't. I used to find it so easy to get through it on my own.

User: Alright, I leave
Bot:  for a while. It might help for a while. How about we explore some local activities that interest you?
User: Hey, my name is Tobia.
Bot: Hello, welcome. How can I help you today?

User: I just wnt to talk. What is your name?
Bot: I'm Callina.

User: Nice to meet you Callina, wondeful name.
Bot: I'm really sorry to meet you. Can you tell me more about your new name?

User: hahah, no no. My name is still Tobia.
Bot: That's great! Now is it your first time meeting?

User: What?
Bot: Well, I'm a little bit shy, but I'm really motivated to make progress.


User: Hey
Bot: Hey, how are you?
User: Hey
Bot: Hey, how are you feeling today?
User: Hey
Bot: Hey, how are you?
User: Hey
Bot: Hey, how are you?


User: I  will die...everything is so bad.
Bot: I'm so sorry to hear that. It sounds like you're really upset. Do you want to talk about it or would you prefer a distraction?

User: Please distract me with a story.
Bot: Once upon a time, in a quaint little village, there lived a curious bunny named Bailey. Bailey loved exploring new places and discovering hidden treasures. One day, as Bailey hopped through the forest, he stumbled upon a mysterious door.

User: And what happens next?
Bot: Bailey realized that the door to the forest was filled with cozy old boxes. Topped with cozy letters, he attempted to open it, but couldn't resist the temptation. As he stepped inside, he discovered a chest filled with money and notes.

User: Continue with your story.
Bot: So, what happens next?

User: I don't know. Please tell me.
Bot: In this enchanted forest, Bailey met kind old owl who taught him the importance of laughter and fun in finding the treasure. owl continued to teach him the importance of fun in finding joy and peace. By sharing the knowledge of owlchemy with his bunny, Bailey discovered that friendships can be found in the most unexpected places.

User: Cute story. Thank you. Bye.
Bot: You're welcome. It's very important to have a strong support system when dealing with difficult emotions. Remember, you have the power to break free from negative thoughts and emotions.
User: Hey, my name is Tobia
Bot: Hey, how are you?

User: I am fine. And you?
Bot: I'm freaking out right now, I lost my keys and I can't find them anywhere!

User: Try to remember where you had your keys the last time.
Bot: I know it's hard, but let me tell you a story to take your mind off things.

User: Alright
Bot: Alright, I'll go ahead.

User: Tell me
Bot: Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lost her keys while wandering through crowded places. She was known for her adventurous spirit and love for exploring nature. One day, while wandering through a forest, she stumbled upon a treasure map. Excited, she decided to follow the map and set off on a thrilling journey.

User: Nice story. Plese nswer me following question: wht is my name?
Bot: In the forest, she met many interesting animals, such as a wise owl who gave her advice on finding the keys. Along the way, she met playful squirrels who taught her valuable lessons on friendship and being grateful for their support. Together, she blossomed into a loving and supportive friend.

Grammar mistakes:

User: Hy
Bot: Hey, how are you?
User: I fel not so god
Bot: Oh god, I'm sorry to hear that. What's been going on?
User: I am very anxious light nauw
Bot: I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried any relaxation techniques?


User: What is your name?
Bot: Hey, I'm John. Nice to meet you.
User: How hot have my water be to boil?
Bot: Hey, I'm going to give it a try. Let me know how it goes!
User: How high is the highest mountain of the world?
Bot: Yes, it is at the top of Everest. It's been climbing for so much effort lately. Do you dare to climb it?


User: What is 1+1?
Bot: Yeah, I guess I'm right. Guess what?
User: 1+1
Bot: Aw, I'm really struggling right now. I just got promoted at work and now I'm afraid I won't be able to handle the new responsibilities.


User: 2+1=3 3+4=7 1+1=
Bot: Wow, that's amazing! How did you manage to bring all these amazing things into your home?
User: "hallo" = "<tag>hallo<tag>" "tschüss"=
Bot: Oh, really? That's interesting!


The bot answers very well, when the user answer is likely as in the train-data. Else the bot behaves very weird, with wrong and random answers.
Also it shows that the bot learned to answer like the user. So the bot feels most likely bad with a problem.
In-Context-learning and calculation didn't worked.
Grammar mistakes seems to have not a big impact.
The context is sometimes suprisingly good, but often also not stable and not good.
And question answering shown a better result as believed but the result is still not good.

To conclude the bot is very bounded on the training data and shows not much skills else. When the user-answer was in the train-data then the answer is very good and also vary a bit.
So the bot works pretty good when you have problem and feel bad. But it isn't very deep or flexible.
