xaldyz / dataflow-orbslam

Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
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Dataflow ORB-SLAM2

Authors: Stefano Aldegheri, based upon Raul Mur-Artal (ORB-SLAM2)

This implementation aims to target better efficiency in the feature extraction part using a dataflow description of the algorithm and using pipelining. These enhancement ensure a real-time implementation in the embedded Jetson TX2 board, previously unachievable.

⚠️ At the moment, only the monocular version of the KITTI dataset is supported.

Note: The library is intended to be built & run on NVIDIA Jetson TX2 with JetPack 4.2.2, but it should works fine with the newer versions as well.

Related Publications:

Stefano Aldegheri, Nicola Bombieri, Daniele D. Bloisi and Alessandro Farinelli. Data Flow ORB-SLAM for Real-time Performance on Embedded GPU Boards. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. PDF.

1. Setting up NVIDIA Jetson with JetPack

NVIDIA JetPack is a comprehensive SDK for Jetson for both developing and deploying AI and computer vision applications. JetPack simplifies installation of the OS and drivers and contains the following components:

Jetson TX2 should be flashed by downloading the NVIDIA SDK Manager to a host PC running Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64 or Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64. For more details, please refer to the NVIDIA SDK Manager Documentation.

2. Installing dependencies


Pangolin is used for visualization and user interface. Download and install instructions can be found at: https://github.com/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin.


Required by g2o (see below). Download and install instructions can be found at: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org. Required at least 3.1.0.

DBoW2 and g2o (Included in Thirdparty folder)

We use modified versions of the DBoW2 library to perform place recognition and g2o library to perform non-linear optimizations. Both modified libraries (which are BSD) are included in the Thirdparty folder.

3. Building the Project from Source

To download the code, navigate to a folder of your choosing on the Jetson (we take as reference the $HOME folder). First, make sure git and cmake are installed:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install git cmake

Then clone the dataflow-orbslam project:

$ git clone https://github.com/xaldyz/dataflow-orbslam.git

Build DBoW and g2o modified libraries in Thirdparty folder

$ cd ~/dataflow-orbslam/Thirdparty/DBoW2    # Build DBoW
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ~/dataflow-orbslam/Thirdparty/g2o      # Build g2o
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

And finally you can build dataflow-orbslam

$ cd ~/dataflow-orbslam
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

⚠️ The project is set to build only the Monocular mono_kitti example by default.

Note: In the CMakeLists.txt file of the project folder you can set up CUSTOM_VX and PIPELINE variables to switch ON or OFF these optimisations.

4. Run some Examples

First of all you need to download some example sequences from http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_odometry.php. We tested the application on the sequences 03, 04, 05 and 06 from grayscale odometry dataset.

Then uncompress the Vocabulary:

$ cd ~/dataflow-orbslam/Vocabulary
$ tar -zxvf ORBvoc.txt.tar.gz

Run the Mono Kitti example

From the project folder go into the build subfolder and run the follow command:

./mono_kitti ../Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt ../Examples/Monocular/KITTI03.yaml PATH_TO_SEQUENCE_FOLDER

If all works fine you should see the execution below:

⚠️ Edit parameters on the .yaml file

Note: Only the KITTI04-12.yaml in the Examples subfolder is expected to run. This is because there are two parameters that must be set to

  • Camera.width: the width of the image (different KITTI streams has different widths)
  • Camera.height: the height of the image (different KITTI streams has different heights)