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[Bug] FlyoutItem.Icon Setters don't work in triggers - you have to use FlyoutItem.FlyoutIcon #13220

Open ScottSEA opened 3 years ago

ScottSEA commented 3 years ago


While trying to change the displayed Icon for a FlyoutItem in a Trigger based on the IsChecked property, when targeting the Icon property, nothing changes in the UI. When targeting the FlyoutIcon property, everything works as expected.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create the default Flyout project
  2. Create a Style trigger for a FlyoutItem in AppShell.xaml:
    <Style x:Key="FlyoutItemTrigger" TargetType="FlyoutItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource BaseStyle}">
        <Trigger TargetType="FlyoutItem" Property="IsChecked" Value="True">
            <Setter Property="Icon" > 
             <!-- Setting the ^^^^ Icon property - but if you change it to FlyoutIcon it works -->
                    <!-- These values can be anything - none of them change -->
                    <FontImageSource FontFamily="MaterialDesignIconFont"
                                        Glyph="{StaticResource NewspaperGlyph}"
                                        Color="White" />
  3. Associate with a FlyoutItem
    <FlyoutItem Title="About" Style="{StaticResource FlyoutItemTrigger}">
    <FlyoutItem.Icon><!-- setting the Icon, not the FlyoutIcon -->
        <FontImageSource FontFamily="MaterialDesignIconFont"
                            Glyph="{StaticResource InformationOutlineGlyph}"
                            Color="Green" />
    <ShellContent Route="AboutPage" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:AboutPage}" />

    Expected Behavior

    Rendered Icon changes when the trigger is fired.

    Actual Behavior

    Rendered Icon does not change.

    Basic Information


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In the setter, target the FlyoutIcon property. Everything should work fine.

<Setter Property="FlyoutIcon" >
holecekp commented 3 years ago

I have encountered a similar issue a few months ago (https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms/issues/11406#issuecomment-660507227). In my case, the Icon property could be used to set the icon for the first time, but it could not be used for changing it afterwards. The FlyoutIcon property worked for both operations correctly.