xamarin / Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms is no longer supported. Migrate your apps to .NET MAUI.
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Support for Xamarin.Forms ended on May 1, 2024 as per the Xamarin Support Policy:

Xamarin support ended on May 1, 2024 for all Xamarin SDKs including Xamarin.Forms.

Xamarin.Forms was succeeded by .NET MAUI in May 2022 as part of .NET 6, and is currently supported as described on the .NET MAUI Support Policy. Follow the official upgrade guidance to bring your Xamarin applications to the latest version of .NET.

To all our developers and contributors, thank you so much for being a part of our Xamarin community. We'll see you all over in .NET MAUI!

About Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms provides a way to quickly build native apps for iOS, Android, Windows and macOS, completely in C#.

Read more about the platform at https://www.xamarin.com/forms.


Platform/Feature Package name Stable Prerelease Nightly Feed Azure (main branch)
Core Xamarin.Forms NuGet NuGet
AppLinks Xamarin.Forms.AppLinks NuGet NuGet
Maps Xamarin.Forms.Maps NuGet NuGet
Maps.GTK Xamarin.Forms.Maps.GTK NuGet NuGet
Maps.WPF Xamarin.Forms.Maps.WPF NuGet NuGet
Pages Xamarin.Forms.Pages NuGet NuGet
Pages.Azure Xamarin.Forms.Pages.Azure NuGet NuGet
Platform.GTK Xamarin.Forms.Platform.GTK NuGet NuGet
Platform.WPF Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WPF NuGet NuGet
Visual.Material Xamarin.Forms.Visual.Material NuGet NuGet

If you want to use the latest dev build then you should read this blog post:

Getting Started

For both methods underneath you will have to add this NuGet feed for the build to succeed. See this documentation page to find out how.


Install Visual Studio 2019+

VS 2019+ is required for developing Xamarin.Forms. If you do not already have it installed, you can download it here. VS 2019+ Community is completely free. If you are installing VS 2019+ for the first time, select the "Custom" installation type and select the following from the features list to install:

The Android 10.0 API 29 SDK and Android 9.0 API 28 SDK are required for developing Xamarin.Forms. They can be installed by using the Xamarin Android SDK Manager.

We also recommend installing Xamarin Android Device Manager. This will use the HAXM tools installed above and allow you to configure Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) that emulate Android devices. If you already have VS 2019+ installed, you can verify that these features are installed by modifying the VS 2019+ installation via the Visual Studio Installer.

Provisioning script

If you are getting errors about missing SDKs, you can run our provisioning script. Note that it can take some time to run the whole script. To better understand how the script works, feel free to check out our build.cake file.


Install Visual Studio for Mac 2019

If you do not already have it installed, instructions to download and setup can be found here.

Because of current Multi-Targeting limitations with Visual Studio for Mac you will need to manually build/restore some projects before you are able to work on the Xamarin Forms solution.

Here are a few different options we've put together to help make this process easier

Solution Configuration

Upon opening the Xamarin.Forms solution, you will find that there are a number of errors and warnings under the Error List pane; you can resolve this by changing the filter of Build + IntelliSense to Build Only. At this point, you should be able to successfully build the solution.

By default, the Xamarin.Forms.Controls project does not have a configuration for various API keys to access certain features on each platform (e.g. maps). When building the solution for the first time, a controlgallery.config file will be generated inside that project, which looks like this:


If you aren't working with maps, you can ignore this. If you want to work with maps, you will have to obtain your own API keys for each of these services, inserted directly after the identifier (e.g. UWPMapsAuthKey:abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz). You can find out how to obtain each of these as follows:

Due to the way that Android works, the maps API key cannot be injected at runtime. As a result, you will have to add this key to the MapsKey.cs file under Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.Android/Properties:

[assembly: Android.App.MetaData("com.google.android.maps.v2.API_KEY", Value = "INSERT_KEY_HERE")]

You can find out how to obtain a Google Maps API key here.

Build from the Command line

Make sure you have nuget.exe 4.0 or above and the latest .NET Core SDK. On macOS you should specify the platform in the msbuild command (/p:Platform=iPhoneSimulator)

msbuild /restore Xamarin.Forms.sln

UI Tests

Run Android UI Tests

Depending on your environment setup, you might need to configure a few things before being able to debug / run UI tests, especially on Windows.

After these steps are taken care of, you should be good to go. You can see all UI tests in Test Explorer, search them for your own convenience, and quickly run individual tests.

Run UWP UI Tests

To run the UWP UI Tests:

  1. Install and run the Windows Application Driver.
  2. Launch the Xamarin.Forms.ControlGallery.WindowsUniversal project to install the ControlGallery application onto your system.

You should now be able to run any of the UWP UI Tests.

Coding Style

We follow the style used by the .NET Foundation, with a few exceptions:


Reporting Bugs

We use GitHub Issues to track issues. If at all possible, please submit a reproduction of your bug along with your bug report.
