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[Bug] accessibility issues for screen reader users #14104

Open albertotirla opened 3 years ago

albertotirla commented 3 years ago


When using simple navigation pages to perform hierarchical navigation, screen readers have issues, a lot of them.
First, because, instead of a new android activity or equivalent for other platforms, fragments and frames or pannels are used, screen readers don't even see it as a new window, so they don't read the new content, not unless the user tabs through it. This is, shall I say, not a very acceptable drawback to lightweitness for end users, as they'd kinda have to guess that new content appeared.
next, because this is not a standard way of navigation for the platforms and as the back button is not labeled on any platform, people have difficulty navigating through the app, for example in android there's only a back button, while in uwp, the back button isn't visible at all to screen readers, so they have to quit the app entirely in order to get back.
Now, try comparing this to something like other native apps on the platforms, like the android and iOS settings, even the windows uwp settings app. Even on there, not everything is fully accessible, but better than what we currently have in xamarin.forms.
I know I can always use custom renderers and stuff, but x.f is designed to be as cross-platform as possible, and you say apps made with it integrate with the ecosystem, well, I haven't seen this behaviour in any native android, iOS or uwp app I have ever used.
As a patch till this can be solved, I recommend you make a system for us to be able to configure if we want native screens like activities on android or views on iOS, or keep the default fragment based navigation. For example, in the application constructor, you can have an optional parameter, like UseFragments that's true by default. If true, it will use android activities for new pages. Of course the parameter has to have a platform-agnostic name, but it was a good one to make an example out of.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. In visual studio, go to file>new>project and create a brand new xamarin.forms mobile app from the new project wizard.
  2. Once you can, choose blank app(xamarin.forms) from the drop down list with apps you can make. I choose blank app because it has only one content page, and navigation problems can be more easily observed.
  3. Make the first page support navigation, than make another page, then create a button on the first page to navigate to the second one when clicked.
  4. Try with the main screen readers for the platform, in this case, voiceover, talkback, and finally narrator or nvda.

Expected Behavior

The screen readers should see the pages like they do with other native apps in their ecosystem, they should read the back(navigate up...) button, the window should be considered a child of the current app window, the focus should go to the top of the page like usual, not somewhere random, etc. For inspiration, just try using a screen reader with other apps on the systems, not only things like the built-in apps, but also apps known to be accessible and made by third parties.

Actual Behavior

None of this happen, in stead the screen readers don't read the newly navigated to page as expected, not untill it's interacted with. On windows, one can't get out of a page unles one closes the entire app and on android the back button is unlabeled.

Basic Information


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Build Logs

Not applicable


Not needed, this is an accessibility issue, and I'm blind my self, so can't provide one

Reproduction Link



The only workaround I found is to delve in the watters of custom renderers, but it would be too much hassle to do that for every platform I am supporting, this way I'd better make a separate app for each one.

albertotirla commented 3 years ago

did anyone manage to fix the bugs mentioned above? If not, which I assume it's the case now with maui and all, does anyone know of any quick and dirty workarounds that don't imply making of custom renderors or anything too complicated?

rachelkang commented 3 years ago

Hi, @albertotirla - thanks for submitting this issue! As you mentioned, we're spending a lot of time on MAUI, but we're also actively working on many of the accessibility issues you've described as well :)

  1. What version of Xamarin.Forms are you using? If you're not yet on XF5, I highly recommend updating to it, as we introduced some accessibility fixes there and are continuing to do so.
  2. We'll soon be introducing more fixes to XF via an accessibility experimental flag https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms/pull/14089 and welcome you to make any suggestions for further improvements there that you think would be helpful.
  3. There are new APIs we're actively exploring at this repo https://github.com/PureWeen/A11YTools that you can start taking advantage of to get around any other issues you might be experiencing! This repo is constantly being updated and we welcome suggestions for new APIs to explore here as well.

I hope this helps - let me know how it goes!