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Error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference #15723

Open Muhammadfaizann opened 1 year ago

Muhammadfaizann commented 1 year ago

I am getting this error while building the xamarin forms ios project , not sure why i am not even using "Syncfusion.XForms.ProgressBar.SfCircularProgressBar" any where in my project.

/Users/faizan/Projects/HealthSafetyApp/HealthSafetyApp/HealthSafetyApp.iOS/MTOUCH: Error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'System.Void Syncfusion.XForms.Core.LicenseHelper::ValidateLicense(Xamarin.Forms.View)', referenced from the method 'System.Void Syncfusion.XForms.ProgressBar.SfCircularProgressBar::.ctor()' in 'Syncfusion.Core.XForms, Version=20.2451.0.43, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. (MT2101) (HealthSafetyApp.iOS)

MagicAndre1981 commented 1 year ago

do you use a 3rd party component that depends on this syncfusion control?