xander18 / MapBoxShowDirection

Exemple of MapBox Direction with React Native
14 stars 11 forks source link


Exemple of MapBox Direction with React Native


cd ios && pod install

cd ..

yarn start

What you need to add :

const accessToken = 'YOUR-MAPBOX-KEY-HERE'; // Put your Key 

// Coordinates
const UserLocation = [2.374400000000037, 48.9052]; // [longitude, latitude] // change by what you want thoses are my default test coordinate
const DestinationLocation = [2.3488, 48.8534]; // [longitude, latitude] // change by what you want thoses are my default test coordinate

const StartLocation = UserLocation; // change if u need by an array of coords
const CenterCoordinate = UserLocation; // change if u need by an array of coords