xavitator / nut-lang

MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


This is the main repository for the nut language.

Make sure that the way you code the library will be easy-to-push to given package manager (like pip).

If you want to see the nut documentation, do the following:

git clone https://github.com/Heijix/nut-lang.git
cd nut-lang
make deploy_dev_doc
# Then go to your browser at address localhost:42420

Nut Tree Repository

$> tree_customized
├── core
│   ├── c
│   ├── cpp
│   ├── go
│   ├── java
│   ├── ocaml
│   └── python
├── nut-doc
│   └── [Some Stuff]
├── examples
│   ├── BAD
│   │   ├── BAD_000_MINIMAL
│   │   ├── BAD_001_MINIMAL
│   │   ├── BAD_002_MINIMAL
│   │   ├── BAD_003_MINIMAL
│   │   └── BAD_004_EMPTY
│   ├── GOOD
│   │   └── GOOD_000_MINIMAL
├── prog_utils
└── README.md
folder explanation
core main code about library in there
nut-doc the documentation
examples a bench a nut files
prog_utils utils code

To do list

Terminate the Java library to start writing code.

Ordered list

Miscellaneous list

Coding libraries

We have to respect the corresping table to write nut files at the same time than we write library code

N represents the number of library that was coded.
Files represents the numbers of Nut files that is present in examples/{GOOD|BAR} directory.

N Files
0 50
1 200
2 400
3 500
4 600
5 700
6 800