The project aims are to add intelligence to how we use radiator valves to heat rooms. Whilst Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs) are mandated on all radiators by EU law, traditional designs rely on wax heating up and cooling down to open and close the valve. This is 2016 - we can do better!
Whilst there are more complex approaches to connect all TRVs to a LAN that allow a fine degree of control, I am testing a different approach which relies on Bluetooth Low Energy. The basic outline is that a motion sensor, combined with a temperature sensor measures whether an occupied room is too cold and if so, sends a boost signal to the radiator to warm up the room. This approach doesn't require fancy control systems and would likely improve on not heating rooms that are not used. By setting appropriate values for time lag (leaving the room for 5 minutes shouldn't switch off the boost for example) this could prove to be easy to configure and produce effective heat savings.
This project has three main components
This particular model responds to Bluetooth commands which are usually sent by the manufacturer's phone app. Available here: Also from Amazon UK
The low level instructions for interacting with this device were found in the following projects (Python) (Node/Javascript)
(this includes Arduino Uno, Temperature sensor, breadboard and wires)
HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor (as part of kit):
HM10 Bluetooth shield:
(Not recommended for reasons below)
Bluetooth Dongle:
The HM10 Bluetooth shield was a real problem for this project. I wouldn't buy another one.
Theoretically, the Raspberry Pi server in this setup is redundant. It should be possible for the Arduino to monitor the environment and then trigger the boost command directly on the TRV directly when needed. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to achieve this - to explain why it didn't work requires a brief diversion into Bluetooth Low Energy.
Bluetooth LE devices come in three main types:
In the app/TRV setup intended by the manufacturer, the app is the "central" device which sends Bluetooth messages to the "peripheral" (the EQ3 valve)
The communication process goes roughly as follows:
central device A scans for peripherals - finds device B
A requests a connection from B
B responds with a success message including a connection handle
This handle establishes a session between the devices and is passed in all future messages
Device B has "characteristics" (think API endpoints) that have different "handles" (think HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
These are grouped into "services" (think subfolders in a URL)
To take a concrete example, the boost command on the EQ3 takes the following format
gatttool -b "00:1A:22:08:99:8C" --char-write-req -a "0x0411" -n "4501"
is the MAC address of the EQ3 device--char-write-req
represents the "write without response" "attribute handle" (represented as 0x12
- this is an arbitrary identifier set by the device that represents the "boost mode" characteristic4501
- again arbitrary, this is the value to be written to turn boost onIt took a lot of work to figure this stuff out, but even getting to this point I found that using the HM10 in central mode wasn't working. I read quite a lot of the BLE spec and still couldn't work out the right message formats so I ended up doing a packet trace first on OS X using "Packet Logger" and later on the Raspberry Pi using btmon
To setup the HM10 in central mode required sending various AT commands via a serial connection:
// Excerpt of HM10 setup in central mode
mySerial.print("AT+ROLE1"); // become "central" device
mySerial.print("AT+NOTI1"); // Receive notifications
mySerial.print("AT+MODE2"); // Allow access to pins
mySerial.print("AT+IMME1"); // IMME0 means to start running central commands "immediately" rather than waiting for AT commands
mySerial.print("AT+CON001A2208998C"); // Connect to the EQ3 via MAC address - found with AT+DISC? command
After establishing this connection all subsequent communications should be forwarded onto the peripheral device (EQ3 in this case).
From the packet trace on the RPi I could see that the connection was established, the connection handle exchanged and it all looked good. However, on sending any information to the peripheral the data was sent using the "Write Response Attribute" handle (0x13
This made no sense - it effectively means that the HM10 was treating any request as if it had received a write request and was responding with some data (inputted by me from the serial connection). There was no way to change this handle which meant there was no way to effectively use peripherals directly. The firmware is broken and this was a frustrating waste of time to say the least...
As I had a deadline looming (this was a University project) I didn't have time to try another device. Instead I had to look at what the HM10 could do - one of those things was to act as an iBeacon. This is a new(ish) proprietary variation on Bluetooth where devices broadcast messages and master devices (e.g. iPhones) can detect these and calculate their proximity based on the signal strength.
This format doesn't allow for arbitrary values, but it does allow for the version numbers of the broadcasting devices to be changed. As a bit of a hack, I opted to make the sensors emit a binary choice - if the room is warm enough and it is occupied it emits one device version, if it is too cold and occupied it emits another. I then hacked together the accompanying node script to listen for these values and detect changes.
Because the Raspberry Pi can correctly act as a central device, it is able to trigger the boost mode on the EQ3 without a problem.
In writing the node script I did run into lots of issues where the Bluetooth dongle would stop working if too many processes tried to access it at once. This resulted in lots of debugging and the defensive code you see as a result.
Whilst the HM10 was for the most part a giant waste of time, the iBeacon approach that I ended up with does have some advantages. Firstly it is very simple - it is easy to imagine a system where (too cold + motion detected) could be generalised into a useful data beacon. Secondly it is extremely power efficient - iBeacon devices are designed to last for years on a single button battery. With a view to a finished product, this freedom would be attractive from a consumer perspective. Finally, allowing for a generic and more simple sensor desgin means that it can be decoupled from particular implementations - this is an issue that other smart TRV initiatives have run into - so there's no reason why the RPi couldn't talk to a Nest Thermostat over Wifi for example.
The downsides - temperature is not currently adjustable without recompiling the Arduino code(!). The Raspberry Pi is arguably redundant - having the sensor be able to trigger the boost would be more elegant. More elegant still would be motion detection built into the EQ3 itself, but the positioning of valves often means that this would be undesirable and wouldn't pick up the motion effectively from the room.
* Motion aware thermostat (RoomTooCold)
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(2, 3);
int tempSensorPin = 0;
int inputPin = 4; // choose the input pin (for PIR sensor)
int pirState = LOW; // we start, assuming no motion detected
int val = 0; // variable for reading the pin status
float targetTemperature = 20.0;
void logOutput() {
while (bluetooth.available()) {
void setup() {
pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // declare LED as output
pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); // declare sensor as input
// wait for Serial to be ready
bluetooth.print("AT+RENEW"); // should return OK
bluetooth.print("AT+MARJ0x1000"); // set Major version to 0x1000
bluetooth.print("AT+MINO0x0101"); // set Minor version to 0x0101
bluetooth.print("AT+ADVI4"); // set advertising interval 5 seconds
bluetooth.print("AT+NAMETCHKR"); // set name to TCHKR
bluetooth.print("AT+IBEA1"); // enable iBeacon mode
bluetooth.print("AT+DELO2"); // broadcast only to save power
//mySerial.print("AT+PWRM1"); // additional power management if needed
bluetooth.print("AT+RESET"); // Let above settings take effect
float getTemperature() {
//getting the voltage reading from the temperature sensor
int reading = analogRead(tempSensorPin);
// converting that reading to voltage, for 3.3v arduino use 3.3
float voltage = reading * 5.0;
voltage /= 1024.0;
float temperatureC = (voltage - 0.5) * 100 ;
return temperatureC;
boolean motionDetected() {
val = digitalRead(inputPin); // read input value
return val == HIGH; // check if the input is HIGH
boolean roomTooCold() {
return getTemperature() < targetTemperature;
void loop(){
if (motionDetected() && roomTooCold()) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn LED ON
if (pirState == LOW) {
// we have just turned on
Serial.println("Motion detected!");
// broadcast different minor version for BLE beacon
// signals that room is too cold
// We only want to print on the output change, not state
pirState = HIGH;
} else {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn LED OFF
if (pirState == HIGH){
// we have just turned off
Serial.println("Motion ended!");
// broadcast original minor version for BLE beacon
// signals that room is too warm
// We only want to print on the output change, not state
pirState = LOW;