StrainPanDA is a tool that deconvolutes pangenome coverage into strain composition and strain gene profile. We provide a fully automated pipeline implemented with nextflow.
curl -s | bash
mv nextflow <YOUR_PATH> # make sure <YOUR_PATH> is within $PATH。
which nextflow # should show<YOUR_PATH>, if not,please check the mv step
Note: if you meet Java version problem in nextflow installation, please find Nextflow guideline for details.
cd <PATH_TO_PANDA> # <PATH_TO_PANDA> is the path to put StrainPanDA codes
git clone
Use docker for installation (Recommended):
Step1:install PanPhlAn (for mapping short reads to pan-genome databases)
docker pull yuxiangtan/strainpanda-mapping:dev
docker tag yuxiangtan/strainpanda-mapping:dev strainpanda-mapping:dev
Step2: isntall strainpandar (for decomposing pangenome into strain-sample and strain-GeneFamily matrices in R)
docker pull yuxiangtan/strainpanda-strainpandar:dev
docker tag yuxiangtan/strainpanda-strainpandar:dev strainpanda-strainpandar:dev
Step3. check the dockers (Firstly, the dockers should be pulled completely)
docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) strainpanda-mapping:dev -h
docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) strainpanda-strainpandar:dev R --no-save
If docker pulling failed,please have a look at FAQs
Local installation (only use it if docker is not available)
Step1:install PanPhlAn using the following link (for mapping short reads to pan-genome databases)
Step2. install R and strainpandar: decomposing pangenome into strains
Install required packages dplyr
, foreach
, pracma
, vegan
cd <PATH_TO_PANDA>/StrainPanDA/src
tar -czf strainpandar.tar.gz strainpandar
R CMD INSTALL strainpandar.tar.gz
The file system of StrainPanDA Database should follow: folder (
Each species (e.g. Escherichia-coli-202009) corresponding to a sub-folder, as the following example:
├── Acinetobacter-johnsonii-202009
└── Escherichia-coli-202009
Prebuild Database of pangenomes can be downloaded by tools such as wget from Zenodo (doi:10.5281/zenodo.6592017):StrainPanDA Pre-built pangenome database | Zenodo
In Zenodo, each tar.gz file represents a species,in the following format: species_name-version_number.tar.gz (e.g. in Escherichia-coli-202009.tar.gz, Escherichia-coli is the species_name and 202009 is the version_number)
Before running StrainPanDA,make sure the tar.gz of the target species is already unzipped within the database folder(
tar -zxvf Escherichia-coli-202009.tar.gz #unzip Escherichia-coli-202009
# tar -zxvf *.tar.gz #unzip all species
In each tar.gz file:
file, and the pangenome.csv is the recongizer by StrainPanDA;${species_version}_centroids.ffn
file, with the colunms specified in the header.${species_version}_vfdb_anno.csv
file, with the first column as the gene family ID and the second column as the VFDB ID.${species_version}_CAZy_anno.csv
file, with the first column as the gene family ID and the second column as the CAZy catalog ID.For new species or rebuilding of existing species, user-specific database with annotation could be generated by the following way.
If you want to analyze your own strain, please refer to FAQs
Download the test data into folder(
Note: the input files could be 1 or 2 with .fq, .fastq or .fq.gz, .fastq.gz. However, only the newly generated fastq files in phred33 scoring system could be run by panphlan, while some old datasets were in phred64 system which is not accepted by PanPhlAN.
StrainPanDA requires at least 5 samples to run properly and the minimum recommended number of samples is 20.
Create a species list (the name of species much corresponding to the name of subfolders in the pangenome database folder. The list could have multiply lines and one species per line. StrainPanDA will analyze these species one by one.)
echo "Escherichia coli" > species_list.txt
nextflow <PATH_TO_PANDA>/StrainPanDA/ -profile docker \
--ref_path <PATH_TO_REFERENCE> \
--path <PATH_TO_FASTQ> \
--ref_list species_list.txt
nextflow <PATH_TO_PANDA>/StrainPanDA/ \
--ref_path <PATH_TO_REFERENCE> \
--path <PATH_TO_FASTQ> \
--ref_list species_list.txt
If PanPhlAN failed, please have a look at FAQs.
Assuming StrainPanDA was run and the count matrix ({species-version}.counts.csv) is already generated, see example. If you want to modify parameters to get better decomposition result, without rerunning the PanPhlAN alignment step, you can run strainpandar independently by RScript.
#get into a docker container
docker run --rm -t -i -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v <PATH_TO_PANDA>/StrainPanDA/bin/:/script -v <PATH_TO_csv>:/data -v <PATH_TO_REFERENCE>:/ref -v $PWD:/work -w /work strainpanda-strainpandar:dev /bin/bash
#run Rscript within the docker
Rscript /script/run_strainpandar.r \
-c /data/Escherichia-coli-202009.counts.csv \
-r /ref/Escherichia-coli-202009 \
-o work -t 8 -m 8 -n 0
Rscript <PATH_TO_PANDA>/StrainPanDA/bin/run_strainpandar.r \
-c data/Escherichia-coli-202009.counts.csv \
-r <PATH_TO_REFERENCE>/Escherichia-coli-202009 \
-o work -t 8 -m 8 -n 0
You can get basic parameters from the help information
Rscript bin/run_strainpandar.r -h
A wrapper script to perform strain decomposition using strainpandar package.
Usage: bin/run_strainpandar.r [-[-help|h]] [-[-counts|c] <character>] [-[-reference|r] <character>] [-[-output|o] [<character>]] [-[-threads|t] [<integer>]] [-[-max_rank|m] [<integer>]] [-[-rank|n] [<integer>]]
-h|--help Show this help message
-c|--counts Gene-sample count matrix (CSV file) obtained from mapping reads to a reference pangenome [required]
-r|--reference Pangenome database path [required]
-o|--output Output prefix [default: ./strainpandar]
-t|--threads Number of threads to run in parallele [default: 1]
-m|--max_rank Max number of strains expected [default: 8]
-n|--rank Number of strains expected. If 0, try to select from 1 to `max_rank`. If not 0, overwrite `max_rank`. [default: 0]
Output folder has two main subfolders: strainpanda_out and work. The work folder is the working directory of nextflow, which contains log and status of runs. If you are not going to use the resume function of nextflow, you can neglect it or remove if directly (rm -rf work)
The result of StrainPanDA is in the strainpanda_out foler:
├── Escherichia-coli-202009.counts.csv
├── Escherichia-coli-202009_mapping
│ ├── C01_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C02_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C03_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C04_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C05_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C06_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C07_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C08_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C09_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C10_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C11_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C12_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C13_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C14_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C15_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C16_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C17_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C18_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ ├── C19_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
│ └── C20_errfree_r0_Escherichia-coli-202009.csv.bz2
├── Escherichia-coli-202009_strainpandar_out
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda.anno_strain_sample.pdf
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda.genefamily_strain.csv
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda.genefamily_strain.pdf
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda.rds
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda.strain_sample.csv
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda.strain_sample.pdf
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda_all_dis.csv
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda_all_neighbor.csv
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda_str_anno_prof.csv
│ ├── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda_str_merged_prof.csv
│ └── Escherichia-coli-202009.strainpanda_str_neighbor.csv
└── pipeline_info
├── strainpanda_DAG.svg
├── strainpanda_report.html
├── strainpanda_timeline.html
└── strainpanda_trace.txt
Main outputs of the pipeline:
: each row is one gene family, each column is one sample, values are read counts.{species-version}.strainpanda.genefamily_strain.csv
: each row is one gene family, each column is one strain, values (binary) are presence (1) or absence (0) of the gene family.{species-version}.strainpanda.strain_sample.csv
: each row is one strain, each column is one sample, values are the relative abundances of the strain (in fraction).You can get the functional annotation of predicted strains by using the ID from the Gene family-strain matrix with the database annotation, see FAQs
All the examples used in the manuscript can be viewed here
Hu, Han, Yuxiang Tan,Chenhao Li, Junyu Chen, Yan Kou, Zhenjiang Zech Xu, Yang‐Yu Liu, Yan Tan, and Lei Dai. 2022. "StrainPanDA: Linked reconstruction of strain composition and gene content profiles via pangenome‐based decomposition of metagenomic data." iMeta. e41.