xbmc / Official-Kodi-Remote-iOS

Full-featured remote control for XBMC Media Center. It features library browsing, now playing informations and a direct remote control.
215 stars 104 forks source link
hacktoberfest kodi


Full-featured remote control for Kodi Media Center. It features library browsing, now playing informations and a direct remote control.


For testers

Join Testflight beta testing: https://testflight.apple.com/join/VQkpfqDN


As the app is regularly submitted to AppStore, the only guaranteed working setup is to use modern toolchain (recent Xcode and iOS SDK). Building with older Xcode version / against older iOS SDK might or might not work. You can find AppStore toolchain requirements on the Apple Developer Portal.

For maintainers (team Kodi)

Use fastlane to manage everything related to AppStoreConnect.


  1. cd to project's directory in terminal
  2. Install or update Ruby dependencies: bundle install or bundle update
  3. Grab AppStoreConnect API key (p8 file) from 1Password and place it in the project's directory

Build and submit to Testflight

bundle exec fastlane tf

Optional parameters:

To be able to also create prerelease+tag on Github, define GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable. Example:

GITHUB_API_TOKEN=your_PAT_token bundle exec fastlane tf notify:0

Submit for AppStore review

First, make an RC build with unfinished localizations excluded from the settings bundle: (it supports the same parameters as the normal tf lane described above)

bundle exec fastlane rc

In case there're no changes compared to the last TF build, don't define GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable to prevent useless Github release being created.

Submit for review: bundle exec fastlane asc

If you also want to draft release on Github, define GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable like above.

Optional parameters:

Omitted app_version / build_number parameter means "use the latest uploaded". More about passing parameters.

Note: if new app version doesn't exist in ASC yet, you must pass at least app_version, otherwise fastlane fails. Hopefully it'll be fixed, see issue about that.

Example: bundle exec fastlane asc app_version:1.6.1

Fetch metadata

# optionally pass username via -u parameter
SPACESHIP_SKIP_2FA_UPGRADE=1 bundle exec fastlane deliver download_metadata --use_live_version