xbresson / spectral_graph_convnets

PyTorch implementation of spectral graph ConvNets, NeurIPS’16
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Graph ConvNets in PyTorch

October 15, 2017

Xavier Bresson



Prototype implementation in PyTorch of the NIPS'16 paper:
Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering
M Defferrard, X Bresson, P Vandergheynst
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 3844-3852, 2016
ArXiv preprint: arXiv:1606.09375

Code objective

The code provides a simple example of graph ConvNets for the MNIST classification task.
The graph is a 8-nearest neighbor graph of a 2D grid.
The signals on graph are the MNIST images vectorized as $28^2 \times 1$ vectors.


   git clone https://github.com/xbresson/graph_convnets_pytorch.git
   cd graph_convnets_pytorch
   pip install -r requirements.txt # installation for python 3.6.2
   python check_install.py
   jupyter notebook # run the 2 notebooks


GPU Quadro M4000


PyTorch has not yet implemented function torch.mm(sparse, dense) for variables: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/2389. It will be certainly implemented but in the meantime, I defined a new autograd function for sparse variables, called "my_sparse_mm", by subclassing torch.autograd.function and implementing the forward and backward passes.

class my_sparse_mm(torch.autograd.Function):
    Implementation of a new autograd function for sparse variables, 
    called "my_sparse_mm", by subclassing torch.autograd.Function 
    and implementing the forward and backward passes.

    def forward(self, W, x):  # W is SPARSE
        self.save_for_backward(W, x)
        y = torch.mm(W, x)
        return y

    def backward(self, grad_output):
        W, x = self.saved_tensors 
        grad_input = grad_output.clone()
        grad_input_dL_dW = torch.mm(grad_input, x.t()) 
        grad_input_dL_dx = torch.mm(W.t(), grad_input )
        return grad_input_dL_dW, grad_input_dL_dx

When to use this algorithm?

Any problem that can be cast as analyzing a set of signals on a fixed graph, and you want to use ConvNets for this analysis.