xcfox / react-tile-pane

A React tiling pane manager
MIT License
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react splitter tiling-window window-manager

React Tile Pane

A React tiling pane manager


An online demo is available at https://xcfox.github.io/react-tile-pane/demo/


npm install @use-gesture/react react-use-measure react-tile-pane

or use yarn

yarn add @use-gesture/react react-use-measure react-tile-pane

react-tile-pane use @use-gesture/react, react-use-measure as peerDependencies, you need to install them at the same time.

Quick Start

Create Tile Panes

First you need to create the Tile Panes List:

const [paneList, names] = createTilePanes({
  arbutus: <Arbutus />,
  cherry: <div style={paneStyle}>cherry</div>,
  apple: <Apple />,
  banana: <div style={paneStyle}>banana🍌</div>,
  lemon: <div style={paneStyle}>lemon</div>,
  mango: <div style={paneStyle}>mango</div>,
  pomelo: <div style={paneStyle}>pomelo</div>,

As above, createTilePanes accepts a dictionary containing ReactNode, and return a paneList and a names dictionary. The structure of the output dictionary is consistent with the input, each item in the dictionary is essentially a string.

Describe Layout

const rootPane: TileBranchSubstance = {
  children: [
    { children: [names.apple, names.cherry] },
      isRow: true,
      grow: 2,
      children: [
        { children: names.arbutus },
        { children: names.lemon },
          children: [
            { children: names.mango, grow: 3 },
            { children: names.pomelo },

As above, we place items in the same level into the same children's array.
grow is same as flex-grow, This property specifies how much of the remaining space in the TileBranch should be assigned to the item. Its default value is 1.
isRow is used to declare whether the panes is displayed as a row or a column.
If the item of names dictionary in children's array, it displayed as a Multi-Tag Pane.

Note: Each name can only appear in the layout at most once.


const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <TileProvider tilePanes={paneList} rootNode={rootPane}>
      <div className="App">
        <div style={{ height: 30 }} />
        <div style={{ border: '#afafaf solid 2px', width: 1000, height: 600 }}>
          <TileContainer />
      <DraggableTitle name={names.banana}>Drag this banana🍌</DraggableTitle>

As above, we input paneList and rootNode into TileProvider as prop tilePanes and prop rootNode.
Then, we put TileContainer in TileProvider. DraggableTitle can also be put in TileProvider.

Full Example File


import React, { useState } from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-tile-pane'
import './App.css'

const paneStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
  width: '100%',
  height: ' 100%',
  display: 'flex',
  justifyContent: 'center',
  alignItems: 'center',

function Arbutus() {
  const [number, count] = useState(1)
  return (
    <div onClick={() => count((n) => n + 1)} style={paneStyle}>
      {number} catties of arbutus

function Apple() {
  return <div style={paneStyle}>apple</div>

const [paneList, names] = createTilePanes({
  arbutus: <Arbutus />,
  cherry: <div style={paneStyle}>cherry</div>,
  apple: <Apple />,
  banana: <div style={paneStyle}>banana</div>,
  lemon: <div style={paneStyle}>lemon</div>,
  mango: <div style={paneStyle}>mango</div>,
  pomelo: <div style={paneStyle}>pomelo</div>,

const rootPane: TileBranchSubstance = {
  children: [
    { children: [names.apple, names.cherry] },
      isRow: true,
      grow: 2,
      children: [
        { children: names.arbutus },
        { children: names.lemon },
          children: [
            { children: names.mango, grow: 3 },
            { children: names.pomelo },

const App: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <TileProvider tilePanes={paneList} rootNode={rootPane}>
      <div className="App">
        <div style={{ height: 30 }} />
        <div style={{ border: '#afafaf solid 2px', width: 1000, height: 600 }}>
          <TileContainer />
      <DraggableTitle name={names.banana}>Drag this banana🍌</DraggableTitle>

export default App

Custom Styles

React Tile Pane does not focus on styles. It is recommended to use custom styles.

A complete example is available at https://github.com/xcfox/react-tile-pane/tree/main/src/App/demo/left-tab
To customize the style, the TileProvider accepts the following properties:


pane is the basic unit of layout.
It accepts style and className attributes.


When you drag the title, a box will appear inside the container to help you determine the position of the pane after releasing the mouse, this box is called preBox.
It accepts style, className, child attributes.


The stretchBar is in between the pane and is used to resize the pane.
It accepts style, className, child attributes.


TabBar for managing overlapping panes.
It accepts render, thickness, position attributes.

Hooks and Components

Hooks and components help you do more complex operations.

Note: Hooks and Components only work inside the TileContainer

Examples can be viewed at https://github.com/xcfox/react-tile-pane/blob/main/src/App/demo/left-tab/index.tsx


DraggableTitle used to open a new pane from outside the container. It accepts style, className, children attributes.


function PaneIcon({ name }: { name: keyof typeof icons }) {
  const getLeaf = useGetLeaf()
  const move = useMovePane()
  const leaf = getLeaf(name)
  const isShowing = !!leaf
  return (
      <div style={{ width: 40, height: 40, cursor: 'move' }}>
        <DraggableTitle name={name}>{icons[name]}</DraggableTitle>
      <div onClick={() => move(name, isShowing ? null : [0.99, 0.5])} />


Get a function to get pane by name.

// Used in a React Function Components
const getLeaf = useGetLeaf()
// get a leaf by its name, when the pane is not displayed, it will return undefined
const leaf = getLeaf(names.apple)


Get a function to move the pane.

// Used in a React Function Components
const move = useMovePane()
return (
      // When an array of length 2 is passed in, the pane will be moved to that position in the container.
      // When null is passed in, the pane will be closed.
      onClick={() => move(name, isShowing ? null : [0.99, 0.5])}
        cursor: 'pointer',
        background: isShowing ? color.primary : color.secondary,
        width: 14,
        height: 14,
        borderRadius: 99,


Get a function to get RootNode, used to persist the current layout.

const localStorageKey = 'react-tile-pane-left-tab-layout'

function AutoSaveLayout() {
  const getRootNode = useGetRootNode()
  localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(getRootNode()))
  return <></>

export const LeftTabDemo: React.FC = () => {
  const localRoot = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey)
  const root = localRoot
    ? (JSON.parse(localRoot) as TileBranchSubstance)
    : rootPane
  return (
    <TileProvider tilePanes={nodeList} rootNode={root} tabBar={tabBarConfig}>
      <TileContainer style={styles.container} />
      <AutoSaveLayout />


Get a function to reset layout.

const reset = useReset()
const handleClick = useCallback(() => reset(rootPane), [])

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