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Windows VM Management Agent 8.2.1 Beta1 Running but not Reporting #112

Closed BTLOPER closed 5 years ago

BTLOPER commented 5 years ago

I installed Windows 10 via XCP-NG Center then started up the self built Xen Orchestra. I installed subject management agent. I can see in windows the service is running, but XO and XCP-NG center both say the tools are not installed and memory usage is not being reported. I feel I have exhausted research options here and else where. I don't see any similar issues with Citrix version documented; however I have not tried to install it. I'm very new to virtualization, but I hope to help in any way I can. Just let me know what information you need.
Thanks in advance!

borzel commented 5 years ago

Did you check in device manager if the XCP-ng devices are there?

BTLOPER commented 5 years ago

I did. They were these: Disk Drives: XENSRC PVDISK SCSI Disk Device Network Adapters: XenServer PV Network Device #0 Storage Controllers: XenServer PV Storage Host Adapter System Devices: XenServer Interface XenServer PV Bus (0002) XenServer PV Bus (C000) XenServer PV Network Class

In the meantime I checked Windows update and it said the system was up to date.
I manually started the XCP-NG Installation and Update Agent, rebooted, no change. Tinkered around with other stuff for a while, came back to the still open Windows Update screen, which NOW said, it was downloading and installing a few Update. So I let those run and rebooted. When Windows came back up there was a message box saying the Windows Management Agent was successfully installed. Yey! But still no memory reporting and Xen Orchestra still says its not installed.
I check windows update once again because useless reboot of windows is a serious time sink. Its got more things to update, so ok.... (while Windows updated I create 3 and deposed of 1 Linux machines!) Finally after update and reboot, The PV Storage Adapter very politely asked for its own reboot. Granted... so I'm pretty optimistic at this point.... When the VM restarts, it immediately says "Preparing Automatic Repair" wah wah... I tried the rather bland "Attempt Repairs that sometime keep Windows from booting" > Reboot > BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH with Stop Code: INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE.

At this point, I'm happy to just toss this VM in the trash can and try things again giving it plenty of time to install all of Windows updates first THEN install the Management Agent, but I'll defer to you. Is there anything you'd like me to try to salvage out of this?

borzel commented 5 years ago

You did not install the XCP-ng drivers. Your devices use the XenServer drivers, I assume you got these from Windows Update.

XCP-ng Management Agent does not work with the XenServer drivers.

If you install a new Windows VM please turn the Update from Windows Update in XCP-ng off.

BTLOPER commented 5 years ago

Understood. I'll give that a try and mark this closed. Thanks so much!