xcp-ng / xcp

Entry point for issues and wiki. Also contains some scripts and sources.
1.23k stars 73 forks source link
citrix virtualization virtualization-platform xapi xcp xcp-ng xen-cloud-platform xen-source xenserver


Turnkey Open Source Virtualization Platform

XCP-ng: the user-friendly, high-performance virtualization solution, developed collaboratively for unrestricted features and open-source accessibility.

⚡️ Quick start

Download the ISO here, and install it on your own hardware.

📚 Documentation

The official documentation is available at https://docs.xcp-ng.org

🚀 Features

📸 Screenshots

🧑‍🚀 Community

XCP-ng has a living community that you can join on our forum.

The project is open to contributions, bug reports and you can also host a mirror for XCP-ng.