xcube-dev / xcube-sh

An xcube plugin to allow generating data cubes from the Sentinel Hub Cloud API
MIT License
13 stars 9 forks source link

Build Status Conda Version Code style: black License

xcube-sh - xcube Data Store for Sentinel Hub

An xcube plugin for generating data cubes from Sentinel Hub.


First install xcube, then the xcube_sh plugin.

Install xcube

While xcube is not yet available from conda-forge, install from sources:

$ git clone https://github.com/dcs4cop/xcube.git
$ cd xcube
$ conda env create
$ conda activate xcube
$ python setup.py develop

Once xcube will be available from conda-forge:

$ conda create --name xcube xcube>=0.3
$ conda activate xcube

Install xcube_sh

You cannot use the xcube_sh plugin without specifying your Sentinel Hub credentials:

$ export SH_CLIENT_ID=<your client ID>    
$ export SH_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client secret>    

While xcube_sh is not yet available from conda-forge, install it from sources. We'll need to update the xcube environment first, then install xcube_sh:

$ conda activate xcube
$ conda install -c conda-forge oauthlib pip
$ pip install requests_oauthlib

$ git clone https://github.com/dcs4cop/xcube-sh.git
$ cd xcube-sh
$ python setup.py develop

Once xcube_sh will be available from conda-forge:

$ conda activate xcube
$ conda install -c conda-forge xcube-sh


$ pytest


Check available xcube CLI extensions added by xcube_sh plugin:

$ xcube sh --help
$ xcube sh gen --help
$ xcube sh info --help

Generate a Cube: xcube sh gen

Generate an xcube-compatible ZARR data cube from Sentinel-2 L1C data:

$ xcube sh info
$ xcube sh info S2L1C
$ xcube sh gen S2L1C -o cube.zarr -b B08 -g 10.237174,53.506205,10.271174,53.540205 -r 6.640625e-05 -t 2017-08-01,2017-08-31 -p 1D
$ python
>>> import xarray as xr
>>> cube = xr.open_zarr('cube.zarr')
>>> cube
>>> cube.B08
>>> cube.B08.isel(time=22).plot.imshow()