xdesro / sex-work-exclusive-tech-companies

A growing list of tech companies with Terms of Service that discriminate against sex workers.
MIT License
18 stars 6 forks source link

Contributor Covenant

A List Of Sex Work-Exclusive Tech Companies

In the era of SESTA/FOSTA and other myriad attacks on the rights of sex workers, it’s as important as ever to defend their rights, safety, and the normalization of their careers. This project is an uncomplete list of prominent tech companies (often those lauded as “woke”, etc) that have discriminatory clauses in their TOS or have otherwise excluded sex workers. This is an open-source and growing list, and you can contribute to its development and maintenance on GitHub.

⚡️ Goals For The Future

Eventually, I'd love for this project to be more useful — for example, it would be great if people visiting the site could see a company they patronize, and click to immediately cancel their usership with that company. It'd also be rad if you could click a button to send a form email to someone at the company, asking them to change their TOS.

🎉 Getting Started

You can follow these steps to get started!


Install and Run

  1. 👯‍ Clone the repository locally and cd into the directory.
git clone git@github.com:xdesro/sex-work-exclusive-tech-companies.git

cd sex-work-exclusive-tech-companies
  1. 📦 Install dependencies.
npm install
  1. 🏗 Run the project for local dev. This will start a hot-reloading server at localhost:3000.
npm run dev
  1. 🌌 Build the app for server-side rendered deployment. See more about Universal SSR in the Nuxt.js docs.
npm run build

# And to serve that deployment...
npm run start
  1. ⚡️ Generate a fully pre-rendered static site. See more in the docs.
npm run generate

This project was bootstrapped with create-nuxt-app. There are more detailed explanations of how everything works in the Nuxt.js docs.

📄 Contributing

I would love, love, love your help with this project — if you have improvements you'd like to make to the code or a company you'd like to add to this list, or anything else under the sun! I appreciate you. Check out the CONTRIBUTING.md.

💁‍ Questions? Concerns?

Feel free to reach out on Twitter. Friendly feedback and advice is always welcome. Contributions doubly so.


This list has been greatly enhanced by the amazing work of Liara Roux and Ashley Lake on liaraslist. If you're able to/interested in contributing to this project, it'd be really tremendous if you could also contribute additions/suggestions to their project as well.

The creation of this list is heavily-inspired by: