xdubx / Solax-Pocket-USB-reverse-engineering

Port of the Solax-Pocket USB to a generic ESP8266/ESP32.
14 stars 4 forks source link
arduino esp8266 inverter pocket-wifi serial solax solax-inverter usb

What is this?

Custom Firmware for a Solax WIFI USB Stick as an esp32/8266

Build with PlatformIO

ESP8266 ESP32

This works with the ESP8266 Arduino platform


This works with the ESP32 Arduino platform



Pinout of ESP


TODO: add image


Implemented Features:

Supported microcontrollers

Supported Inverters



For ENDPOINT Data and sended post request

    "gridVoltage": number,
    "gridCurrent": number,
    "gridPower": number,
    "pv1Voltage": number,
    "pv1Current": number,
    "pv2Voltage": number,
    "pv2Current": number,
    "pv1Power": number,
    "pv2Power": number,
    "gridFrequency": number,
    "mode": number,
    "eTotal": number,
    "eToday": number,
    "temp": number,
    "runTime": number,


Still missing freatures are:

Notice: Only the register dongle and request data is tested

Build of request

Spezial thanks go to @tuxmike

Message structure (header, payload, checksum)

Byte offset Datatype Description Value
0 uint16 Static preamble 0xAA 0x55
2 uint8 Total msg frame size (byte) size of: header + payload + checksum
3 uint8 Cmd control code e.g. 0x01
4 uint8 Cmd function code e.g. 0x8C
5 ... payload see cmd table
[Frame size-2] uint16 Checksum uint16 binary sum of all msg bytes


Control code Function Code Payload length (byte) Checksum length (byte) Description
01 05 0 2 Request read serial numbers
01 85 40 2 Response read serial numbers
02 01 10 2 Request register pocket dongle serial number
02 01 10 0 (!) Response register pocket dongle serial number
01 16 0 2 Request inverter settings
01 96 400 2 Response inverter settings
01 0C 0 2 Request inverter data
01 8C 200 2 Response inverter data
01 04 0 2 Request inverter error data
01 84 44 2 Response inverter error data
05 00 2 2 Request enter pin
05 42 2 2 Request write setting pwr limit value
05 60 2 2 Request write setting pwr limit on/off
03 80 0 2 Response enter pin ok
03 81 0 2 Response setting write ok

Response serial numbers (Control code=0x01, FuncCode=0x85)

Byte offset Datatype Description
0 char[14] Inverter serial number
14 char[14] Inverter serial number padding, spaces
28 uint16 Inverter model code
30 char[8] Pocket dongle serial number
38 uint16 Inverter model type

Request / Response register pocket dongle serial number (Control code=0x02, FuncCode=0x01)

Byte offset Datatype Description
0 char[10] Pocket dongle serial number

Response inverter data (Control code=0x01, FuncCode=0x8C)

Byte offset Datatype Description Unit
0 uint16 Grid voltage 0.1V
2 uint16 Grid current 0.1A
4 uint16 Grid power 1W
6 uint16 PV1 voltage 0.1V
8 uint16 PV2 voltage 0.1A
10 uint16 PV1 current 0.1V
12 uint16 PV2 current 0.1A
14 uint16 PV1 power 1W
16 uint16 PV2 power 1W
18 uint16 Grid frequency 0.01Hz
20 uint16 Mode See Invertermodes
22 uint32 E Total 0.1kwh
26 uint16 E Today 0.1kwh
28 ? ? ?
... ... ... ...
78 uint16 Inverter Temperature °C
82 uint32 Runtime-total 1h
86 ? ? ?
... ... ... ...
110 uint8 0x1B ? ?
... ... ... ...

Inverter Modes

Code Description
0 Waiting
1 Checking
2 Normal
3 Fault
4 Permanent Fault
5 Update
6 Off-grid waiting
7 Off-grid
8 Self Testing
9 Idle
10 Standby

Response inverter error data (Control code=0x01, FuncCode=0x84)

Byte offset Datatype Description Unit
0 uint16 PV1 voltage 0.1V
2 uint16 PV2 voltage 0.1V
4 uint16 ? ?
6 uint16 Grid voltage 0.1V
8 uint16 Grid frequency 0.01Hz
10 ? ? ?
... ... ... ...

Response inverter settings (Control code=0x01, FuncCode=0x96)

Byte offset Datatype Description Unit
0 uint16 VAC low 0.1V
2 uint16 VAC high 0.1V
4 uint16 FAC low 0.01Hz
6 uint16 FAC high 0.01Hz
8 uint16 ? 0.1?
12 uint16 VAC 10m avg 0.1V
14 uint16 VAC low slow 0.1V
16 uint16 VAC high slow 0.1V
18 uint16 FAC low slow 0.01Hz
20 uint16 FAC high slow 0.01Hz
... ... ... ...
208 uint16 Settings PIN A decimal
250 uint16 Settings PIN B (?) decimal
280 uint16 Start time s
... ... ... ...

Request enter pin (Control code=0x05, FuncCode=0x00)

Byte offset Datatype Description Unit
0 uint16 PIN decimal

Request write setting pwr limit value (Control code=0x05, FuncCode=0x42)

Byte offset Datatype Description Unit
0 uint16 power limit W

Request write setting pwr limit on/off (Control code=0x05, FuncCode=0x60)

Byte offset Datatype Description Unit
0 uint16 power limit on/off 0U=off, 1U=on

Values that are missing