xenon-middleware / xenonflow

Run CWL workflows using Xenon through a REST api
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CWL Compliance v1.0

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Run CWL workflows using Xenon through a REST api.


The following diagram shows a rough overview of the interaction when using xenonflow. The overview shows 3 file systems, all of which can be configured for Xenonflow (See the quick-start guide below).

  1. The input filesystem, this should contain all the input files needed for running the cwl workflow
  2. The cwl filesystem, this filesystem should contain the cwl workflows you want to run with Xenonflow.
  3. The output filesystem, this is where xenonflow will put the output of the workflows.

On the right you can see a compute resource: Xenonflow can be configured to run on a number of computing backends, including the local machine, to actually execute the cwl workflow.

Before making a call to the Xenonflow REST API make sure the data is available on the input filesystem and the workflow is available on the cwl filesystems. The rest call will return a JSON object which contains some information on the job you just submitted. Such as its current state, what input was provided, a uri to the job (for instance to poll the server for new states) and a uri to the log of the job.

After the workflow is completed the results will be available in the target filesystem

Xenonflow Usage Pattern


1. Install the dependencies:

For the cwl runner you can use the reference implementation called cwltool. It can be installed by

pip install cwltool

You may need to use pip3 on some systems. For a full list of available cwl runners check https://www.commonwl.org/#Implementations

After installing the cwl runner it is a good idea to double check that your workflow can be run using the runner on the command line

2. Download Xenon-flow

wget https://github.com/xenon-middleware/xenon-flow/releases/V1.0
unzip xenonflow-1.0.zip

3. Configure the server

Configuration of the server is done by editing the XENONFLOW_HOME/config/config.yml file. As well as the XENONFLOW_HOME/config/application.properties.

By default it is set the use the local file system as the source and the local computer to run workflows.

For information on which filesystems and schedulers can be used refer to the xenon documentation: https://xenon-middleware.github.io/xenon/versions/3.1.0/javadoc/.


Xenon-flow configuration consists of

  1. sourceFileSystem: Any filesystem supported by Xenon can be used here
  2. targetFileSystem: Any filesystem supported by Xenon can be used here
  3. cwlFileSystem: Any filesystem supported by Xenon can be used here
  4. ComputeResources: A map of compute resource descriptions for Xenon
  5. Each resource has the following settings:

    1. cwlCommand: A script to run the cwl runner, allowing for python environments to be started first.

      • Default:

        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        cwltool $@
    2. scheduler: A Xenon scheduler
    3. filesystem A Xenon filesystem
    4. Both the scheduler and filesystem have to following format:
      1. adaptor: The name of the Xenon adaptor (for instance slurm for scheduler or sftp for filesystem)
      2. location: The URI for the resource
      3. credential: Optional credentials (if not supplied the current user and ~/.ssh/id_rsa is used)
        1. user: Username
        2. password: Password in base64 encoded
      4. properties: Optional properties (usually not needed)

Environment Variables

There are two environment variables that can be set in your environement which can then be used in the config.yml file: XENONFLOW_FILES and XENONFLOW_HOME.


The application.properties needs configuration for the following things:

  1. api-key
    1. xenonflow.http.auth-token-header-name controls the name of the header that holds the api key
    2. xenonflow.http.auth-token the value of the api key. IMPORTANT you should really change this one
  2. The Database Configuration.
    • These settings should be changed!
      1. spring.datasource.username The database username
      2. spring.datasource.password The database password3.
    • The following settings can be left as is.
      1. server.port The port for the server to run on.
      2. local.server.address=localhost The servername.
      3. server.http.interface Set up the server to be publicaly available by setting this to

4. Start the server

The following command will run the server.


5. Run a workflow

Put the workflow and any input files and directories to into the location as defined by the sourceFileSystem in the config. For instance when using a webdav server, upload the files there.

Send a POST http request with a job description to the server.


Given the echo command-line-tool (in yaml notation):

cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
  - id: inp
    type: string
    inputBinding: {}

  - id: out
    type: string
      glob: out.txt
      loadContents: true
      outputEval: $(self[0].contents)

baseCommand: echo
stdout: out.txt

The job description looks something like the following.

Note that the input map contains a key inp which refers to the corresponding input of the echo command-line-tool.

    "name": "My First Workflow",
    "workflow": "cwl/echo.cwl",
    "input": {
        "inp": "Hello CWL Server!"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "api-key: <insert api key here>" -d '{"name": "My First Workflow","workflow": "cwl/echo.cwl","input": {"inp": "Hello CWL Server!"}}' http://localhost:8080/jobs

Using the jobid or jobname in a workflow

If you need access to the jobid generated by xenonflow, or the jobname that was used to submit the workflow then you can add them as inputs to your cwl file as parameters with the ids xenonflow_jobid and xenonflow_jobname respectively. Xenonflow will then automatically inject the values into the job-order.json as input to the cwl file.

For example the following cwl file will echo the xenonflow_jobid and xenonflow_jobname:

cwlVersion: v1.0
class: CommandLineTool
  - id: xenonflow_jobid
    type: string
      position: 1
  - id: xenonflow_jobname
    type: string
      position: 2

  - id: out
    type: string
      glob: out.txt
      loadContents: true
      outputEval: $(self[0].contents)

baseCommand: echo
stdout: out.txt

Running Xenonflow behind a proxy server

We recommend running xenonflow behind a proxy server. Both nginx and apache httpd are good candidates for this. In addition both nginx and apache httpd can act as webdav servers which xenonflow can use as a sourceFileSystem.

Doing this requires no changes to the configuration of xenonflow as long as the correct X-forwarded-* headers are set in the proxy server.

To ensure that xenonflow returns the correct uri's for the jobs you should set the following headers:

Below is an example location from a nginx config that correctly proxies a xenonflow instance running at localhost:8080

location /api/ {

    include cors;
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto http;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Prefix /api/;

Running Xenonflow in SSL mode

To run xenonflow in ssl (https) mode you can follow the following steps:

  1. Please read https://dzone.com/articles/spring-boot-secured-by-lets-encrypt for setup using Letsencrypt.
  2. You should now have a certificate with a private key store
  3. You should now set the following properties in the application.properties file:
    1. server.ssl.enabled=true Enable ssl encryption in the server
    2. server.ssl.key-store-type The keystore type (spring boot only supports PKCS12).
    3. server.ssl.key-store The store for the certificate files.
    4. server.ssl.key-store-password The password to the key store.
    5. server.ssl.key-alias The alias as given to the keystore.

Cleaning Input Data

Warning: This will delete the input data on the source directory. It is recommended to set the input filesystem to a different location than the cwl and output filesystems so files are not lost by accident.

You can have xenonflow clean up the input files after a task has run by setting the clearOnJobDone parameter to true in the sourceFileSystem.


   adaptor: file
   location: ${XENONFLOW_FILES}/input
   clearOnJobDone: true