xenserver / xscontainer

Support for Docker and Container Management
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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xscontainer is the back-end of XenServer's Container Management.

There are 3 main entry points:


This plugin is a XAPI plugin, which can be called through the host.call_plugin method.

Reminder from the XAPI documentation:

string call_plugin (session ref, host ref, string, string, (string → string) map)


Result: Result from the plugin


In this case, a typical call should look like this:


Example for starting a container:

host.call_plugin(sessionRef,hostRef,'xscontainer','start',(vmuuid: '<VM.UUID>', container: '<Container.UUID>'))

Docker container life cycle

All the life cycle operation are defined in the function parameters from the prototype given above. It could take those values:

args is be a map with vmuuid: '<VM.UUID>', container: '<Container.UUID>'

Register/unregister a VM

The plugin returns data on a VM if it's registered.

The function parameter could be:

args is a map with only the VM: vmuuid: '<VM.UUID>'

VM creation

CoreOS template

You need to get the config drive default configuration for a specific template, by calling:

host.call_plugin(sessionRef,hostRef,'xscontainer','get_config_drive_default',(templateuuid: '<template.UUID>'))

You can modify this configuration (e.g by adding your SSH public key). You should store this configuration somewhere.

Then, after the VM is created in XenServer, you can call the config drive creation:

host.call_plugin(sessionRef,hostRef,'xscontainer','create_config_drive',(vmuuid: '<VM.UUID>', sruuid: <SR.UUID>, configuration: 'Your whole CloudConfig configuration'))

Which SR should I use? XenCenter and Xen Orchestra both use the SR of the first VDI created on the VM.