xeolabs / scenejs-pycollada

Python-based COLLADA importer for SceneJS using pycollada
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SceneJS-PyCollada is a small library / command-line utility for translating Collada files into JSON formatted scenes for use by SceneJS. It uses PyCollada as its Collada parser, hence the choice of name.


SceneJS-PyCollada is dual licensed under the MIT license and GPL version 2.0. Please refer to the files under licenses/ for more information. PyCollada is licensed under a BSD-style license. Please see pycollada/COPYING for more information


Please test and report bugs!

Work in progress

Installing python

There's a good chance that you already have python, however if you don't, visit http://python.org and get it!

Updating pycollada

PyCollada has been added to the project as a git submodule. To fetch the latest version of pycollada, you can use the following git command in the root directory of scenejs-pycollada.

git submodule update --init

PyCollada depends on the NumPy module. If you're on a unixy platform there's a good chance that you'll already have NumPy and you can skip this step.

However, if you don't have NumPy installed on your system, fetch an appropriate release from the NumPy website, http://numpy.scipy.org (http://www.scipy.org/Download has the list of all builds including unofficial releases) Note that on 64bit windows you'll most likely need to fetch an unofficial build of NumPy from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/


You need to first install pycollada. Go into the directory that you've placed pycollada and run

python setup.py install

(Also see the pycollada README.markdown for more information on how to do this)

Installing and running scenejs-pycollada

scenejs-pycollada is not installable currently, however you can simply run it directly.

This command will give you the usage information you need to run the utility:

python scenejs-pycollada.py --help


For more information see the SceneJS website and wiki, or to discuss the project visit the google group.

GitHub project: Google

Wiki page: SceneJS Wiki page

Google group: Google group

Google group "Brainstorming" discussion: Google group discussion

PyCollada home: PyCollada

PyCollada: PyCollada on GitHub