xerifg / GaitRecognition

This is a project about gait recognition
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i. Overview iii. Use


This gait recognition demo needs clean background, e.g. a white wall. As this demo only takes GEI as its feature, so it can only recognize persons with same views. For example, people walk with the same angle for both registration and recognition.

This code is one part of the Tutorial of ICPR 2016.

ii. How to use

This code should work on Windows or Linux, with Python and OpenCV. We highly recommend you install Anaconda (python 3.8) and OpenCV4.1:

1) You should install the python libraries (including PyQt5, numpy, PIL)and OpenCV. 2) Type 'python GaitDemoV1.py' in the command line. Then press 'Enter' button to start this demo. 3) Firstly, you need to type your name in the 'Name' box and click the 'Register' button to record the human GEI into the database. Then the human can walk in front of the camera. After several frames, you need to click the 'Save' button to save. 4) Now, you can click the 'Recognize' button to have a test. 5) Sometime, you need to click 'UpdataBk' button to refresh the background. 6) The GEIs will be saved in './gei/'.