xgi / tiyo

MIT License
10 stars 3 forks source link


This is a developer library, and isn't meant for regular users. For a manga reader that uses Tiyo, see Houdoku: https://github.com/xgi/houdoku.

Tiyo is a library for retrieving and processing manga websites ("content sources"). It provides clients for a multitude of sources, with a standardized interface for searching and retrieving content. It's easily extendable, and new sources can be added from scratch or with helper methods for generic websites (like Wordpress templates).



# Install package dependencies
pnpm install

# Build @tiyo/core, which will also build @tiyo/common
pnpm exec nx run core:build

# Publish package
pnpm exec nx run core:publish --args="--ver=x.x.x --tag=<latest/next>"

This is an Nx monorepo. You can run build/test tasks using the CLI commands (such as the ones above), but I recommend using the VSCode extension: https://nx.dev/core-features/integrate-with-editors.


Definitions for extension client interfaces and functions, e.g. ExtensionClientInterface are in libs/common (@tiyo/common).

Extensions are implemented in libs/core (@tiyo/core). When making a new extension, you should use existing extensions as a reference. The core package also contains generic client helpers for some common website structures (e.g. the Madara WordPress theme or FoOlSlide).


When adding a new package dependency (like jsdom), it should be added both to this repo's base package.json as a devDependency and as a regular dependency in libs/core/package.json. This ensures that the dependency is included when installed from npm.


MIT License